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英语翻译The discovery that the seeds (or“grains”) of some plants

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 07:16:46
The discovery that the seeds (or“grains”) of some plants can be eaten had an important effect on man's development.It made him realize that instead of spending all his time moving from place to place in search of animals to eat,he could actually stay in one place and grow some of his own food.It is no exaggeration to say that this discovery helped to turn man into an animal which settles and forms a permanent home.
The grains of the wheat plant (in the form of a powder known as“flour”) form the basic ingredient of one of the world's most common foods—bread.The other ingredients of bread are yeast,sugar,water,salt and fat.
In Europe,bread is usually made in five stages.The first is to make what is called“dough”(面团).The yeast is mixed with sugar and water,and after about fifteen minutes it begins to“eat”the sugar.Flour,fat and salt are then put together and the yeast mixture is added.All these ingredients are then pressed (or“kneaded”) with the hands for about ten minutes until they form a large ball of dough.After the dough has been made in this way,it is left to“rise”.As the yeast continues to eat the sugar it makes the dough increase in size,and this second stage of rising takes about two hours.At the third stage the risen dough is kneaded again and pushed into the shape the bread is to be.The dough must then be allowed to rise again,this time for about one hour.It is then ready for the final stage of baking,which takes about forty-five minutes in a hot oven.
In some countries the dough is not left to rise,the result being flat pieces of bread called“unleavened (unrisen) bread”.Some religions of the world permit their followers to eat only unleavened bread.