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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/09 04:46:05
Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to ____ them too hard. A.draw B.strike C.rush D.push 22.My three-year-old son, ____ all kinds of meat, has no appetite for any vegetable, which worries me a lot A.devoted to B.addicted to C.accustomed to D.applied to 23.Though the suspect refused to admit that he had stolen the precious diamond at first, he ____ and admitted everything when he was shown the videotape. A.broke up B.broke away C.broke down D.broke into 24.Driving in rush hour traffic __ be very dangerous, so you ____ be too careful. A.should; ought to B.could; should C.might; mustn't D.can; can't 25.Cheer up! Everyone may have periods in their lives ____ everything seems tough. A.when B.where C.which D.that 26.Paper cutting, ____ traditional folk art form which originated in ancient China, is listed as ____ world cultural heritage by the United Nations in 2002. A.the; a B.a; the C.the; the D.a; a 27.In America, a friend inviting you to a restaurant doesn't mean that he or she will pay for the meal____ you are told in advance. A.if B.unless C.although D.until 28.Don't bother to look for the dictionary.It ____ somewhere some day. A.turns up B.has turned up C.will turn up D.is about to turn up 29.—The drought situation has been severe these days. —If it had rained even a drop, things would be much better now and many crops ____. A.wouldn't die B.would die C.wouldn't have died D.would have died 30.My classmates, after they heard about my adventure in Africa, ____ said it was totally out of their imagination. A.all B.them C.which D.who 31.The great damage which the earthquake on March 11 in Japan ____ made a great many people homeless. A.brought up B.brought about C.brought in D.brought out 32.—Jessica looks much better these days.____ is it that has made her ____ she is today? —Perhaps the special medicine and her family's patient care. A.That; that B.That; what C.What; that D.What; what 33.Standing there, I could almost smell the rain coming.And it did.Suddenly the lightning flashed through the clouds, nearly ____ me. A.having blinded B.blinded C.blinding D.to blind 34.—Do you think he will achieve his dream and become president of the States one day? —Well,____. A.every minute counts B.only time will tell C.time flies D.time and tide wait for no man 35.—What? You failed the driving test again! — ? A.So what B.How come C.Why not D.What for
解题思路: 见下
Encourage your children to try new things, but try not to ____ them too hard. A.draw B.strike C.rush D.push 22.My three-year-old son, ____ all kinds of meat, has no appetite for any vegetable, which worries me a lot A.devoted to B.addicted to C.accustomed to D.applied to 23.Though the suspect refused to admit that he had stolen the precious diamond at first, he ____ and admitted everything when he was shown the videotape. A.broke up B.broke away C.broke down D.broke into 24.Driving in rush hour traffic __ be very dangerous, so you ____ be too careful. A.should; ought to B.could; should C.might; mustn't D.can; can't 25.Cheer up! Everyone may have periods in their lives ____ everything seems tough. A.when B.where C.which D.that 26.Paper cutting, ____ traditional folk art form which originated in ancient China, is listed as ____ world cultural heritage by the United Nations in 2002. A.the; a B.a; the C.the; the D.a; a 27.In America, a friend inviting you to a restaurant doesn't mean that he or she will pay for the meal____ you are told in advance. A.if B.unless C.although D.until 28.Don't bother to look for the dictionary.It ____ somewhere some day. A.turns up B.has turned up C.will turn up D.is about to turn up 29.—The drought situation has been severe these days. —If it had rained even a drop, things would be much better now and many crops ____. A.wouldn't die B.would die C.wouldn't have died D.would have died 30.My classmates, after they heard about my adventure in Africa, ____ said it was totally out of their imagination. A.all B.them C.which D.who 31.The great damage which the earthquake on March 11 in Japan ____ made a great many people homeless. A.brought up B.brought about C.brought in D.brought out 32.—Jessica looks much better these days.____ is it that has made her ____ she is today? —Perhaps the special medicine and her family's patient care. A.That; that B.That; what C.What; that D.What; what 33.Standing there, I could almost smell the rain coming.And it did.Suddenly the lightning flashed through the clouds, nearly ____ me. A.having blinded B.blinded C.blinding D.to blind 34.—Do you think he will achieve his dream and become president of the States one day? —Well,____. A.every minute counts B.only time will tell C.time flies D.time and tide wait for no man 35.—What? You failed the driving test again! — ? A.So what B.How come C.Why not D.What for