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Rata Blanca是下面所提到的组合
Argentinean metal band formed in the late '80s. Rata Blanca started getting involved in the local scene while playing along with bands such as Alakrán and Kamikaze. In 1988, the band released its first record. The following year, singer Saúl Blanch left the group, being replaced by Adrián Barilari. At the same time, keyboardist Hugo Bistolfi joined in. In 1990, the album Magos De Espadas y Rosas was released. Rata Blanca's new songs were presented live while opening to Ian Gillan at Buenos Aires' Obras Sanitarias. In a special experience many other rock bands have went through, Rata Blanca performed along with a symphonic orchestra in October of 1992 at the local Opera Theatre. Two years later, the group moved to Spain, recording the following album called Entre El Cielo y El Infierno. In September of 1995, Rata Blanca had the opportunity to participate in Monsters of Rock at Sao Paulo, that year headlined by Ozzy Orbourne and Alice Cooper. In 1997, Gabriel Marian became the new singer, releasing Rata Blanca soon after. ~ Drago Bonacich, All Music Guide
Rata Blanca is a classic heavy metal band from Argentina that formed in the 1980s. Its name means "white rat".
The band was founded by Walter Giardino after he left V8. Rata Blanca played together for about two years before their debut on August 15 1987 in the theater "Luz y Fuerza" in Buenos Aires. They later took part in the "Halley en Obras", along with other bands: Alakrán, JAF and Kamikaze, in 1988. That year they made their debut album with two hits: "Chico Callejero" ("Street Boy") and "El Sueño de la Gitana" ("Gypsy's Dream").
In 1989, Hugo Bistolfi joined the band and then Saúl Blanch left, to be replaced by Adrián Barilari. With that arrangement, the band made its second album Magos, Espadas y Rosas ("Wizards, Swords, and Roses") They released two records between 1989 and 1994 called "Guerrero del Arco Iris ("Rainbow Warrior") and "El Libro Oculto" ("The Secret Book"), singer Adrián Barilari left the band being replaced by Mario Ian, with this line-up they released Entre el Cielo y la Tierra ("Between Heaven and Earth"). Later that year, they were invited to play in "Festival Monsters of Rock" in São Paulo, Brazil, along with Ozzy Osbourne, Therapy, and Alice Cooper. They released yet another albums with new singer Gabriel Marian and keyboard player Javier Retamozo(Hugo Bistolfi left to form the band Alianza with singer Adrian Barilari) called "Rata Blanca VI", the group disbanded in 1998. They regrouped in 2000 to tour Latin America. They released two more albums, "El Camino del Fuego" and "La Llave de la Puerta Secreta" and they are currently working on their thirteenth album. They sound a lot like Iron Maiden, and Giardino, did a famous solo (Preludio obsesivo), very similar to Eddie Van Halen's Eruption
这个阿根廷金属乐队成立于80年代末期.Rata Blanca开始和一些当地的乐队合作出演,例如Alakrán和Kamikaze(乐队名).1988年,乐队发行了他们的第一张唱片.接下来的一年,主唱Saúl Blanch离开了乐队,代替他的是Adrián Barilari.同时,键盘手Hugo Bistolfi加入了乐队.1990年,他们发行了专辑《Magos De Espadas y Rosas》.Rata Blanca在对Ian Gillan(人名)开放的Buenos Aires' Obras Sanitarias(应该是地名)现场演唱了他的新歌.能和在场的许多其它的摇滚乐队一同演出,这对Rata Blanca来说是一次特殊的经历.1992年,Rata Blanca和一个交响乐团在当地的歌剧院进行了一次演出.2年之后,他们的乐队来到西班牙并录制了专辑《Entre El Cielo y El Infierno》.1995年9月,Rata Blanca获得了参加在圣保罗举行的Monsters of Rock(音乐会)的机会,那一年音乐会邀请到的重量级人物是Ozzy Orbourne和Alice Cooper.1997年,Gabriel Marian成为了新的主唱,并紧接着《Drago Bonacich》发行了《Rata Blanca》.
Rata Blanca是一支80年代成立的阿根廷重金属乐队.乐队名字的意思是“白鼠”.
乐队是由Walter Giardino在离开V8后组建的.乐队一起配合了2年之后,他们在1987年8月15日迎来了他们的首次演出,那是在在Buenos Aires上演的戏剧《Luz y Fuerza》中.随后,在1988年,他们参与了《Halley en Obras》的演出,并且获得了与Alakrán,JAF和Kamikaze同台的机会.在那一年,他们发行了首张专辑并在专辑中发行了2部很受欢迎的作品:Chico Callejero" ("Street Boy")和"El Sue?o de la Gitana" ("Gypsy's Dream").
1989年,Hugo Bistolfi加入了乐队,而Adrián Barilari代替了离开的Saúl Blanch.在这样的人员配置下,他们发行了第二张专辑Magos,Espadas y Rosas ("Wizards,Swords,and Roses").在1989年到1994年间,他们发行了两张专辑,叫做"Guerrero del Arco Iris ("Rainbow Warrior")和"El Libro Oculto" ("The Secret Book").随后主唱Adrián Barilari离开,代替他的是Mario Ian,他们又在这样的配置下发行了Entre el Cielo y la Tierra ("Between Heaven and Earth").那一年晚些时候,他们被邀请去巴西圣保罗举行的"Festival Monsters of Rock",并且与Ozzy Osbourne,Therapy和Alice Cooper同台演出.在他们和新的主唱Gabriel Marian还有新的键盘手Javier Retamozo发行了另一张专辑《Rata Blanca VI》之后,乐队在1998年解散.后来,他们在2000年重组并在拉丁美洲进行巡回演出.他们又发行了2张专辑"El Camino del Fuego"和"La Llave de la Puerta Secreta".现在,他们正在制作第十三张专辑.他们的音乐风格很像Iron Maiden,并且Giardino的那首吉他独奏(Preludio obsesivo)很有名,与Eddie Van Halen得Eruption非常相近.