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求修改英语作文1,有些人喜欢始终从事一种工作,2,有些人 ,喜欢经常换工作是因为 3,我的看法MY view in jo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 22:46:56
2,有些人 ,喜欢经常换工作是因为
MY view in job hopping
Nowadays,different kind of job can be choosed by people and many of them hold a job for a long times,For one thing ,they think ,stay a job for long times they can get many experiences which are benific to doing one work best .For another ,in a competing society,it is not easy to find a good job .Last but not least,the more times you work job ,the more well-paid job oppitunities you can get .
Somepeople,however,they have different attitude that they often change job,First,they said woking at one place for a long time ,they will lose interested in woking .What's more ,some young people argue that they have more time to finding the best job for themseleves.so they change their job .Finally,woking in different job can hozison their visions.
As far as i am concered ,i am in favor of people shouldn't change the woke very often bacause if the can put their heart in one work ,no matter whatever work they have the will do the best in the woke,and have a wonderful life in the future.
Nowadays,different kind of job can be choosed by people and many of them hold a job for a long times,
kinds,a long time.many of them的them 从第一句话来看指的是different kind of job,要改下
For one thing ,they think ,stay a job for long times they can get many experiences which are benific to doing one work best
time,benefit to do,整个句子不通,work 不可数,用one job好些
求修改英语作文1,有些人喜欢始终从事一种工作,2,有些人 ,喜欢经常换工作是因为 3,我的看法MY view in jo 工作态度的英语作文1有些人喜欢一直从事一种工作.2有些人喜欢换3我的观点.字数要求一百字.急用,急用.急用! 帮我篇英文作文,一百字!内容是:1、许多人愿意生活在城市;2、有些人却喜欢居住在郊区,3、我的看法 每个人都有自己喜欢看的电影.比如有些人喜欢看纪录片,有些人喜欢看动作片,有些人喜(初2英语作文) 跪求英语作文跪求一篇英语作文 要求:1有些人喜欢养动物作为宠物 2有些人反对卷养动物为宠物 3你的观点字数要不少于120 求英语作文.人们对于生活持有不同的看法的.有些人是乐观的生活,有些人是被动的 英语翻译帮我写一段大概120单词的几句话,内容是1,许多人喜欢在除夕看春节晚会;2但有些人提出取消春节晚会;3,我的看法 求“我喜欢从事什么类型的工作” 英语作文,120个英文, 英语作文有些人喜欢住在城里,有些人喜欢住在郊区,你喜欢住在哪里?陈述你喜欢住在那里的理由.提示词:like,live i 英语翻译1,喜欢,就是喜欢.我喜欢他是因为,我觉得他好,他什么都好2,有些人说不清哪里好,但就是谁也替代不了 英语作文 Living in a big city or a small town 有些人喜欢住在 英语作文怎么写1.有些人认为读书要有选择2.有些人认为应当博览群书3.我的看法