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英语翻译GreetingsAfter much consideration and prayer I have deci

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/18 22:57:53
After much consideration and prayer I have decided to tell you all about
my plight because I believe you can be of Assistance to me and my faith
and believe in God led me to you I am the only son of my father,late
(Bashiru muda Sani) from Darfur,In Republic of Sudan.i am a 19 years old
boy,my name is john sani
My father was a wealthy Cocoa and Gold merchant in SUDAN before his
untimely death.After his business trip to Accra Ghana with business
associates from Italy to Negotiate on a gold and cocoa deal,he was
assassinated with my mother by Arab Militia because of hatred and greed,
my mother died instantly but my father died after five days in the
Before the death of my father,he disclosed to me that he Deposited the
sum of (US$7.5) seven Million Five Hundred Thousand united states Dollars
in Gold coast security company in Accra Ghana,and 40kg of gold dust which
were profit from his trip together with his savings,he showed me the
Documents covering the Existence of the Fund and Gold,he advised me not
to invest this money in Africa because of the rebels against the entire
family and nation.
Right now I am in Accra Ghana and I have succeeded in locating where the
Fund is in Accra Ghana with the help of my late fathers barrister and also
confirmed the Existence of the Fund.I want you to Assist me in receiving
this Fund in your country as a Trustee and New Beneficiary of the Fund in
oversea,and also use it for an investment purpose,and also To be a
guardian and also help me with Accommodation in your country because Right
now i can not go back to my country Darfur Sudan because of the Conflicts
Between the Black Sudanese Rebels and Arab Militia also known as Janjaweed
as you can see or hear it in the News or you can find out yourself for
more information at www.crisisgroup.org/home/index.cfm?id=3060.
“Upon the case of death consignment of any sort can only be cleared from
the company with the name of the legal foreign beneficiary on deposit
document as legal recipient of goods deposited for shipment”this is why i
need your help,due to the policy of the security company
I am soliciting for your Assistance to help in transferring this Fund to
your country because this is my only hope in surviving in life and also
continuing my education,help me to save my life please.
please show me love and take me as your child,i wait for god to touch
your heart and you reply me to help me.
john sani.
(这个greetings 不是“问候”的意思,应该是信的开头语)
After much consideration and prayer I have decided to tell you all about my plight because I believe you can be of assistance to me and my faith and believe in God led me to you I am the only son of my father, late (Bashiru muda Sani) from Darfur, In Republic of Sudan.
在深思熟虑和祷告之后,我决定告诉您我所有的困境,因为,我相信你会帮助我.我的信念和我对上帝的信任告诉我你会帮助我.我是我已故父亲Bashiru muda Sani的独子,来自苏丹共和国的达尔富尔.
(这里led me to you 就是把握指引向你的意思,但是这里意译,使句子更通顺;plight 是困境,不能简单说成是情况,境地)
i am a 19 years old boy, my name is john sani
我是19岁的男青年,我的名字叫John Sani.
(old boy 男青年,大男孩)
My father was a wealthy Cocoa and Gold merchant in SUDAN before his
untimely death. After his business trip to Accra Ghana with business associates from Italy to Negotiate on a gold and cocoa deal, he was assassinated with my mother by Arab Militia because of hatred and greed, my mother died instantly but my father died after five days in the hospital.
我的父亲英年早逝,他曾是经营可可和黄金的苏丹富商.他和来自意大利的生意伙伴一同前往Accra Ghana 洽谈一笔黄金和可可买卖之后,和我母亲一同死于Arab国民军实施的暗杀.那场暗杀完全是出于仇恨和贪婪.我的母亲当场就死了,但是我的父亲在医院里坚持了5天,却也难逃死难.
(untimely death 英年早逝;because of hatred and greed另外做一句话翻译出来)
Before the death of my father, he disclosed to me that he Deposited the sum of (US$7.5) seven Million Five Hundred Thousand united states Dollars in Gold coast security company in Accra Ghana, and 40kg of gold dust which were profit from his trip together with his savings, he showed me the Documents covering the Existence of the Fund and Gold, he advised me not to invest this money in Africa because of the rebels against the entire
family and nation.
在我父亲弥留之际,他向我透露说他在位于Accra Chana的金海岸保安公司存了总计750万美元的现金,还有40公斤的金沙,都是他最后一次出行时的获利.除了他所有的积存,他还给我看了证明那笔现款和黄金确实存在的文书.他告诫我不要在非洲用这笔钱投资,因为那里有针对我整个家族和国家的反抗.
(Before the death of my father,我父亲死前,即弥留之际;profit from his trip 这里的trip代指上文的那次出行,所以就是最后一次出行)
Right now I am in Accra Ghana and I have succeeded in locating where the Fund is in Accra Ghana with the help of my late fathers barrister and also confirmed the Existence of the Fund.
当下,我待在Accra Ghana.我父亲的律师帮助我找到了那笔存放在Accra Ghana的现款,确定了它真实存在.
I want you to Assist me in receiving this Fund in your country as a Trustee and New Beneficiary of the Fund in oversea, and also use it for an investment purpose, and also To be a guardian and also help me with Accommodation in your country
(这段翻译要化冗长为简练.trustee 受托管理人、New Beneficiary of the Fund in oversea新海外受益人、 use it for an investment purpose, and also To be a guardian 就是简单的帮助我投资监管这笔钱;帮我在国外收款,虽然原文说recieve in your country,但对于作者来说就是海外,而且这个信息点可以在后文补充说明)
because Right now i can not go back to my country Darfur Sudan because of the Conflicts Between the Black Sudanese Rebels and Arab Militia also known as Janjaweed as you can see or hear it in the Newsoryou can find for more information at www.crisisgroup.org/home/index.cfm?id=3060.
(as you can see or hear it in the News要放到前面来翻译,or you can find for more 放在段末翻译)
“Upon the case of death consignment of any sort can only be cleared from the company with the name of the legal foreign beneficiary on deposit document as legal recipient of goods deposited for shipment”this is why i need your help, due to the policy of the security company
I am soliciting for your Assistance to help in transferring this Fund to your country because this is my only hope in surviving in life and also continuing my education, help me to save my life please.
please show me love and take me as your child, i wait for god to touch your heart and you reply me to help me.
john sani.
John Sani