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英语翻译格列佛游记读后感 当我第一次见到此书,我以为是像《鲁滨孙漂流记》那样的小说.而当我翻开书,看了书的前言才知道了,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 07:56:28
格列佛游记读后感 当我第一次见到此书,我以为是像《鲁滨孙漂流记》那样的小说.而当我翻开书,看了书的前言才知道了,原来这个一部充满童话色彩的讽刺小说.但小说的童话色彩只是表面的局部的特征,尖锐深邃的讽刺才是其灵魂.他讽刺地道出了当时英国的特点:"贪婪、党争、伪善、无信、残暴、愤怒、疯狂、怨恨、嫉妒、淫欲、阴险和野心."他挖苦地描述了人兽颠倒的怪诞现象:马成了理性的载体,而人则化作脏臭、屎尿横飞、贪婪刁难的下等动物耶胡(yahoo).他大谈人的天性,就是心甘情愿被金钱所奴役,不是奢侈浪费就是贪得无厌.作者不仅讽刺了当时英国社会的种种,我认为更重要的是否定了整个人类社会.耶胡代表人类,而主人公却是如此厌恶耶胡.书中的字里行间都透露出作者对社会的不满.另一方面,主人公在慧因国里与慧因的生活是最令他难忘的.他们的国家不会出现表示罪恶的字眼,像:欺骗、怀疑、狡猾等等之类的词.所以他们的社会不会有欺骗、怀疑、狡猾、陷害、阴谋、贿赂…….那个世界才是一个真正充满幸福和快乐的地方.以至于当主人公离开那里时流下了悲伤的眼泪.看完《格列佛游记》之后,我们不能不审视自己,我们身上有没有这些顽疾劣根的影子.我们的社会虽然不像当时英国那样败落,但也好不到哪去.小偷小摸、乱扔乱丢、破坏公物.都是我们身边随处可见的事.杀人放火、贩毒走私、残暴疯狂.也是我们在电视中经常见到的事,都已经不足为奇了.这么一个浑浊的社会,是要靠我们来澄清的.现在的我们虽然不能做出什么轰轰烈烈的事情来,但是可以做我们能做到的事.就算是低下头拣起一片垃圾,写一篇环保文章,号召朋友亲戚……这都是我们轻易能做到的.我希望我们的社会能在我们一代一代的努力下,成为像慧因国那样的社会.我愿为此付出,从我做起,从现在做起,让这个社会多一点阳光,少一点污染.
Gulliver's Travels Du Hougan When I first saw this book,I thought it was like "Robinson Crusoe" as a novel.And when I opened the book,looking foreword to the book know,the original color of this one is full of fairy tale satire novel.But the fairy tale novel,local color is a superficial characteristic,sharp and deep irony is its soul.He ironically tells the characteristics of the then English:"greed,the party struggles,hypocrisy,no letters,brutal,angry,crazy,resentment,jealousy,lust,sinister and ambitions." He sarcastically describes the reversal of the bizarre phenomenon of human-animal:horse become a rational vector,while the others into a dirty,smelly,urine dashing,greed,under extremely difficult and animals,such as Yehuda (yahoo).He discusses the human nature,that is willing to be enslaved by money,not extravagance and waste that is insatiable.Author not only makes a mockery of all the British society at that time,I think it is more important is the negation of the entire human society.Yehuda on behalf of humanity,while the hero is so disgusted Yehuda.Between the lines of the book are revealed by the social discontent.On the other hand,the hero in the Hui-hui from country to country because of Lane and his life is the most memorable.Their country does not appear that the wording of evil,such as:cheating,suspicion,cunning,and so like the word.So they will not have a social deception,suspicion,cunning,frame-up,conspiracy,bribery ....That world is a real place filled with happiness and joy.When the hero there,so when you leave the shed tears of grief.After reading "Gulliver's Travels",we must look at ourselves,our bodies have no such illness,Liegen's shadow.While our society is not at that time as England defeat,but no better to go.Petty theft,throw litter,destruction of public property.Are all around us things.Murder and arson,drug trafficking,smuggling,and the brutal crazy.Is what we often see on television do,have been surprising.Such a muddy society is up to us to clarify.Although we now can not make any spectacular things to,but you can do what we can do things.Looking down even picked up a garbage and write an environmental article,calling on friends and relatives ......This is easily we can do.I hope that our society from generation to generation in our efforts to become like the Hui,as a result of the country's social.I would like to pay,from what I start,from now in order to make this community a little more sunshine and less pollution