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英语翻译这是下部分,题目还是Producers and Animal WelfareIs there a sound m

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 10:47:40
这是下部分,题目还是Producers and Animal Welfare
Is there a sound moral basis for some of what the welfarists advocate?An increasing
number of people in the general public appear to think that there is.The arguments of
the welfarists appeal to widely shared moral principles.This,we believe,is sufficient
reason for the producers to educate themselves with respect to the moral principles that
under.lie the animal welfarist perspectives.The failure of many producers to do this,up
to the present time,has led many members of the public to perceive the producers as
defenders of their own selfish interests without regard for their moral obligations.
Producers might object to the suggestion that they should educate themselves to
learn of the moral principles that underlie the policy positions taken by the welfarists.
The producers might perceive this suggestion as analogous to the suggestion that they
should modify their personal religious principles.The producers might say that it is not
really education but conversion that is recommended in this suggestion.However,we
believe that this objection on the part of the producers is incorrect.Our suggestion is not
that the producers should make a moral conversion.It is only that they methodically
consider and evaluate the basic moral assumptions of the welfarists.We suspect that if
the producers were to do this,they would find that they shared much common moral
ground with the welfarists.There are important questions to be resolved between the
producers and the welfarists.But,in many cases,these are not questions of basic moral