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英语翻译34.In "tight" housing markets,rent controls are often ap

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 02:56:23
34.In "tight" housing markets,rent controls are often applied to hold the price of housing to a "reasonable" level.What is the immediate effect of this price policy with respect to the allocative functions of prices,and the relative incomes of tenants and landlords?
A) The allocative function of prices is impaired,but the tenants are prevented from gaining at the expense of the landlords.
B) The allocative function of prices is not impaired,and the tenants are prevented from gaining at the expense of landlords.
C) The allocative function of prices is impaired,and the tenants who find housing gain at the expense of landlords.
D) The allocative function of prices is not impaired,but the landlords gain at the expense of tenants who do not find housing.
E) None of the above.
80.Under conditions of decreasing cost:
A) externalities are irrelevant and inapplicable.
B) each of the firms in the industry will continue to produce more output at falling costs per unit.
C) a strong case can be made for supplanting complete individualism by some kind of group action.
D) a few large sellers may come to dominate the industry.
E) monopolization of the industry becomes impossible
61.Horizontal long-run MC is associated with constant returns to scale.
34.在"tight" 房产市场,租金管理经常被应用举行安置的价格对"reasonable" 水平.什么是这项物价政策的直接作用谈到价格的allocative 作用,和房客和房东相对收入?A) 价格的allocative 作用被削弱,但房客防止获取牺牲房东.B) 价格的allocative 作用不被削弱,并且房客防止获取牺牲房东.C) 价格的allocative 作用被削弱,和发现住房获取牺牲房东的房客.D) 价格的allocative 作用不被削弱,仅房东获取牺牲不发现住房的房客.E) 无在上面.80.在越来越少的费用的情况下:A) 客观性是毫不相关和不适用的.B) 每个企业在产业将继续导致更多产品在下落的费用每单位.C) 有力的实例可能由一些小组行动做为代替的完全个人主义.D) 几位大卖主也许来控制产业.E) 产业的垄断变得不可能 61.水平的历时长久的MC 同持续的与生产规模成比例的收益联系在一起.