作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 00:25:40
1、根据主动句中涵盖句子成分决定,一般被动谓语表达完整加by,若还有地点、时间等状语,可随by+介宾之后,这样看起来by在句中Eg:The gift was bought by his girlfriend.
The gift was bought by his girlfriend in the great mall in Shijiazhuang yesterday.对比以上两句话您会找到原因.
1.In some countries ,tea ______ with milk and sugar.
A.is serving B.is served
C.serves D.served
2.Great changes _____ in my hometown since 1980.
A.have been taken place B.took place
C.have taken place D.were taken place
3.The new type of car is going to ______ in three years.
A.turn out B.be turned out
C.has turned out D.have been turned out
4.The woman murdered her friend and ______ to ______.
A.was sentenced ,death B.sentencing ,die
C.sentenced ,death D.sentenced ,die
5.-Do you like the skirt?
-It _______ soft.
A.is feeling B.felt C.feels D.is felt
6.Are you still here?You were here an hour ago.Who ________ for?
A.are you waiting B.did you wait
C.were you waiting D.do you wait
7._____ to know Professor Zhang.
A.He said B.I said
C.He is said D.It says
8.-I want to sit at the table near the window.
-Sorry ,______ already.
A.it took B.it takes
C.it is taking D.it has been taken
9.The letter _______ three days ago and it ______ yesterday.
A.had post ,had arrived
B.was posted ,arrived
C.posted ,arrived
D.had been posted ,was arrived
10.He told me that the final examination _______ next Thursday.
A.is given B.will be given
C.would have given D.would be given
11.Water ______ into ice.
A.will changed B.must be changed
C.should change D.can be changed
12.Plays ______ twice a month in that theatre.
A.put on B.are put on
C.was put on D.often put on
13.The birds _______ fly away last Saturday.
A.let to B.is let to
C.was let D.were let to
14.A strange sound ______ yesterday evening.
A.was heard B.hears
C.heard D.is heard
15.A beautiful bike _______ him by his classmates.
A.sent to B.will sent to
C.was sent to D.will be sent for
16.Miss Chen ______ just ______ to speak at the meeting.
A.has …been asked B.has been …asked
C.Have been … asked D.have …been asked
17.Meat _______ out in this shop.We can _________ now.
A.have been sold ,get nothing B.has been sold ,get nothing
C.has been sold ,get some D.have been sold ,get some
18.The new play _______ in theatre now.Why don’t you go in and see it?
A.is being shown B.is showing
C.is shown D.shows
19.Can you tell _______
A.when did it happen B.when was it happened
C.when it happened D.when it was happened
20.______ the job ______ by Lucy or by John Tell me the truth,please.
A.Has … finished B.Has …being finished
C.Is …finish D.Has …been finished
1.When _____ the first man-made satellite _______ (send)up into space?
2.Last year vegetables ______ (grow)in the garden by Tom and he ______
(sell)them himself.
3.She ______ (help)him with his homework tomorrow evening.
4.How many magazines ______ ( can borrow)in your library every week
5.John ______ (hear)to go upstairs two hours ago.
6.-Who ______ (save)her father
-He ______ (save)by that policeman.
7.The doctor ______ (send for)because his grandpa was ill.
8.Moon cakes ______ (make)by his mother every year .______ your mother _____ (make)moon cakes for you every year
9.Some toys ______ (buy)as a presents for these children last Monday.
10._____ paper ______ (make)of wood
一、1-5BCBAC 6-10ACDBB 11-15DBDAC 16-20ABACD
二、1、was sent 2、were grown ;sold 3、wil help 4、can be borrowed 5、was heard
6、saved was saved 7、was sent for 8、are made does make 9、were bought
10、Is made