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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 08:42:05
I was blessed to have seen this movie last night.It made me laugh,it made me cry and it made me love life.
This movie is a great movie that depicts a love of a father for his son.Will Smith did an incredible job and deserves every accolade available to him.His son also did a fantastic job.
There is a great lesson that is learned in this movie and it truly shares the struggles of everyday life.
This movie was heart felt and touching.It was truly an experience worth having.Thank you for making this movie and I look forward to seeing it again.
My husband and I had an opportunity to attend a screener of this movie last night.We had seen several commercials and a trailer for the film and we had high hopes,we were not disappointed.Many times "inspired by" films feel like hard sells or bids for Oscar glory."Pursuit of Happiness" is none of that.This is an honest,meaningful film that will stay with you long after you leave the theatre.The viewer becomes fully invested in the struggles of Chris Gardner and his son.Will and Jadyn Smith deserve huge kudos.The real-life father and son dynamic enriched the film and don't know if other actors could have been as powerful.Be warned,there are several tissue inducing moments.This movie is well worth a ticket!
This is one of the best films of this year.For a year that was fueled by controversy and crap,it was nice to finally see a film that had a true heart to it.From the opening scene to the end,I was so moved by the love that Will Smith has for his son.Basically,if you see this movie and walk out of it feeling nothing,there is something that is very wrong with you.Loved this movie,it's the perfect movie to end the year with.The best part was after the movie,my friends and I all got up and realized that this movie had actually made the four of us tear up!It's an amazing film and if Will Smith doesn't get at least an Oscar Nom,then the Oscars will just suck.In fact Will Smith should actually just win an Oscar for this role.!I loved this movie!Everybody needs to see especially the people in this world that take everything for granted,watch this movie,it will change you!