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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/05 10:42:06
One robber grasped a chest of gold and jewelry and left with a ship to elsewhere. Unfortunately, the ship capsized and sank into the deep blue ocean, he abandonedd all the heavy stuff except this treasure chest, and surprisingly, he managed to reach an island and survived there. He stayed in the isolated island for more than half a year but no single vessel passing by. Everyday, he looks at the treasure chest but non of them could help to fill up his stomach the fruits and fishes would help!
One fine day, when he sat down at the shore and recalled his old good days - such a wonderful thing to enjoy it if I could sit down in my favourite Maxican restaurant and taking my mouth watering - Taco (chips). Suddently, he found something knocked at his toe and there was a bottle which contained a piece of paper. He was wondering what was written in the paper and he retreived the paper and fond out that there were two words shown - "FREE TACOS - TODAY ONLY". He was in great despair and wept and shouted - " I deserved it - this free meal coupon is a such joke/irony !
英语翻译一个抢劫犯带着一箱子黄金首饰坐黑船准备逃亡到国外,不幸的船出事故沉入大海,他抛弃所有重物拼命的往不远处一个岛屿游 有人问一个孩子将来的目标,他说他想当飞行员,那人又问如果飞机出事故了怎么办,孩子说他马上跳伞 一个散步者,从一个岛屿出发,走遍所有的七座桥,而且不重复? 兴国安邦的安的意思(1)身体健康(2)不出事故;没有危险(3)稳定(4)装置;组合选一个 生命中的岛屿 生命中的岛屿 ① 班主任来自渔民家庭,对大海有着深厚的感情.他曾给我们讲了许多关于大海的故事,有一个至今让 生命中的岛屿答案生命中的岛屿 ① 班主任来自渔民家庭,对大海有着深厚的感情.他曾给我们讲了许多关于大海的故事,有一个至今 电梯出事故的概率高不高 英语翻译帮我把下面的话译成英文.哈克贝利是一个聪明、善良、勇敢的白人少年.他为了追求自由的生活,逃亡到密西西比河上.在逃 英语翻译1赶快准备好!他们马上就要到了.2当时没人知道会发生什么事.3所有的脏衣服都已经洗过了.4昨晚他大约十点钟出事. 飞机出事故d概率问题假设有10架飞机,每架配一个空姐,若一架飞机出事故的概率是1%,而空姐换飞机的概率是10%,则换一次 英语翻译话说诚信被那个 " 聪明”的年轻人投弃到水里以后,他拼命地游着,最后来到了一个小岛上.“诚信”就躺在沙滩上休息, 英语翻译1.睡觉前一定要把煤气关了,否则要出事故的.(be sure of)2.他不习惯住在高速公路旁,因为他不能忍受窗