作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

英语翻译这是我很想要参加的一个活动的要求回答的问题的申请表,麻烦看的懂的人帮忙翻译下Short Response Que

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 16:53:20
Short Response Questions
Preparing for the semseminar 研究会will require commitment and effort during the spring semester.Information and training sessions,as well as written milestones throughout the semester will guide your progress in devising the seminar curriculum and securing any instructive resources you will need.What kind of time commitment do you believe HSYLC will require from you (preparing curriculum,curriculum review conferences,attending training sessions)?What amount of time will you be willing to devote to the activity,especially during finals period?
Can you commit to a short biweekly meeting (once every two weeks) through the spring semester?
If accepted as a seminar leader,what is the likelihood that you are coming?We are aiming for seminar leaders to be in China about three days prior to the conference (around August 12) to accommodate for jet lag and to participate in orientation activities.What other summer plans do you have?
Long Response Questions
1.Please describe a possible seminar topic.This topic may pertain to anything that is outside the scope of a traditional high school education and is appropriate for the setting and timeframe of a seminar—be creative!Some possible topics include globalization,American culture,the arts,economics,and international organizations.Also,consider ways to encourage student discussion and reflection regarding this topic.A complete design is not required at this time; simply tell us about your vision for the seminar.(Limit 200 words)
2.Why do you feel you are qualified to lead this seminar?What makes you passionate about your topic?Formal teaching experience or extensive knowledge with the topic is not required; however HAUSCR is very interested in candidates with a passion for their topic and for teaching.State any previous experience in teaching/discussion groups,whether it’s a summer program or an IOP study group.Also state relevant work done on the topic you plan to teach (classes,papers,activities,etc.).(Limit 200 words)
3.A Seminar leader plays as much a social role at HSYLC,as an instructive one.What social skills do you identify in yourself that can contribute to your interactions with conference participants?Have you held a counselor position previously,or other social leadership roles?Please describe any appropriate qualifications.Remember,the Chinese students want to get to know what Harvard students are like outside of the stereotype of constantly studying bookworms!(Limit 200 words)
准备semseminar研究会将需要承诺和努力在春季学期.信息和培训课程,以及书面里程碑整个学期将指导您的进展,制定了研讨会课程启发和确保任何您需要的资源.什么样的时间承诺,你认为HSYLC将需要从你(编写课程,课程的审查会议,参加培训班) 什么大量的时间将您愿意投入的活动,尤其是在决赛期间?
如果接受了一次研讨会领导人的可能性是什么,您会来吗?我们的目标研讨会领导人在国内前三天的会议(约8月12日) ,以适应时差,并为参加活动的方向.其他什么夏季计划你有?
1 .请说明是否可能举行一次研讨会的主题.这个主题可能涉及到什么是范围以外的一个传统的高中教育和适当的环境和时间的一个研讨会,有创意!一些可能的议题包括全球化,美国文化,艺术,经济,和国际组织.此外,考虑如何鼓励学生讨论和反思就这一议题.一个完整的设计并不需要在这个时候,只需告诉我们您的远景研讨会.(限200字)
2 .为什么你觉得你有资格领导这个研讨会?什么使你热爱你的话题?正规的教学经验和广博的知识与话题并不需要;但是HAUSCR是非常感兴趣的候选人,热爱自己的主题和教学.国家以往任何教学经验/小组讨论,无论是夏季项目还是眼压研究组.还规定有关工作的专题教你计划(班级,文件,活动等) .(限200字)
3 .讨论会的领导人发挥了社会作用HSYLC ,作为一个有启发性的.什么社交技巧,你确定自己能有助于您的相互作用与会议的与会者?你的顾问举行了先前的立场,或其他社会发挥领导作用?请说明任何适当的资格.请记住,中国学生想知道什么是像哈佛学生以外的刻板印象不断学习书呆子!(限200字)