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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 22:06:35
26.Winning three gold medals is the most remarkable(achieve) achievement he has made so far.
27.In order to deal(effctive) effectively with the frequent railroad accidents,a special committee has been set up.
28.Generally,the front page of newspapers(devote) is devoted to the most important news of the day.
29.In addition to the(require) required courses,there are still some other courses to be individually chosen.
30.These scientists are interested in (find) finding out how short-term memory becomes long-term memory.
31.The sales manager asks his men every week (inform) to inform him of everything concerning sales.
32.If you want to be (success) successful in life,you should be honest and self-confident.
33.The engineer put forward a (suggest) suggestion at the meeting to improve the public traffic system.
34.Once the payment has been made,the goods should (deliver) be deliver in one or two days.
35.In the past decade email (become) has become one of the most popular means of communication.
我可以要悬赏吗? 没有也没关系啦...
26. Achieve 是动词 名词achievement (成就--赢得三面金牌就是他至今为止 最非凡的成就)
27. effective = 形容词 副词effectively, 修饰动词 deal (为了能"有效地处理"...)
28. OO is devoted to XX = OO 是献给 XX的 (比如"本书献给我亲爱的朋友" 之类的)
这是被动语气,因为那本书是 "被" 作者拿来献给某人的 (本句: 一般来说,报纸的封面
是"献给"/专设 为当天最重大的新闻所用)
29. require 要求, required 同样是被动语气,也可以直接当形容词理解-- The teacher requires
us to do this work >> The work is required for us to do" 中文一般很少这样用,只可意会

30. interested in @@ 後面@@必须是名词 (对 "某样人/事/物" 有兴趣)
所以用 finding 动名词 (所有动词都可以加 ing 变成动名词 >>"发现" 变成 去发现"的这件事
31. 要某人做什麼事情 一定要用 to +动词 ( XX told OO to 做某事 = XX 叫 OO 去 做某事)
忘了 好像是叫做动词的 不定式 的样子--他没有直接跟主语,所以在这一句里面不算是完整的
也就是不直接 -- "I bought" a cake = 有主语 I forgot "to buy" a cake = 不定式
32. success = 名词,成功/成就 successful = 形容词,成功(的)
33. suggest = 动词 suggestion = 名词 (建议/ 提议)
34. deliver = 运送,这里还是 被动式
35. become = 变成,这里用完成式,表示 这事情 "已经" 发生.
一般来说 简单过去式只是单纯述说 发生了什麼事,完成式则暗示 这事情的发生 一直到现在
(I ate an apple = 我吃了个苹果 I've eaten = 我吃过了 (所以你现在不用再请我了) )
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