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我问的问题是一篇英语作文:how to face the trouble.我们老师说要写的是说明文,具体写我们应该如何面

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 17:20:06
我问的问题是一篇英语作文:how to face the trouble.我们老师说要写的是说明文,具体写我们应该如何面...
我问的问题是一篇英语作文:how to face the trouble.我们老师说要写的是说明文,具体写我们应该如何面对困难,谈谈看法
-应对困难方法可以分为1)情感上2) 理智上3)精神上
1) 情感上:要懂得如何认出自己目前的情绪状况,加以处理和适合引导.(Identify your state of mind/ emotional status at the moment, and then properly deal with the emotions)
提醒自己这个困难并不代表你的人生而且身边还有很多疼爱你的亲人朋友愿意和你分担.(Remind yourself that the troubles you are having are not your life. And you still have friends and family that love you and willing to shoulder your burden.)
2)理智上:冷静下来后,理智地分析整个问题的局势. (Try to be logical and analytic when examining/scrutinizing/evaluating the current situation
许可的就把问题分解为几部分, 这样问题可能较容易著手处理. (Try to break the problem/situation down into smaller pieces/components. This will make it easier to deal with the issue at hand)
然后,看能不能为每个问题里的部分提出解决方法. (Then, see if you can come up with a solution/proposal for actions for each of the smaller part of the bigger problem.)
3)精神上: 不许自己那么容易泄气放弃,要不断地激励自己精神,鼓励自己继续前行.(Don't let yourself quit so easily; remind yourself that the road to success is lonely and difficult but you can make it if you keep holding on; constantly motivate yourself to get back up after falling down.)