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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/18 16:59:16
Your Cap $35 is being withdrawn
3 June 2011
You may have heard that we introduced the Big Cap $29 recharge which for a limited time comes with $450 of included credit¹.Because of this,we’ve decided to withdraw the Your Cap $35 voucher from sale.This is good news for anyone recharging with a Your Cap $35 as you can now spend a little less and get even more value.
So when you recharge next,ask for the Big Cap $29,it normally comes with $300 credit but for a limited time only,the Big Cap $29 recharge has $450 of included credit1
View our voucher options & rates
For customers who have selected the Your Cap $35 on auto recharge,it will remain as is,however we recommend updating your auto recharge selection to the Big Cap $29 via My Account
Big Cap $29 这个是手机套餐名字来着,之前签了两年的合同,按照合同我每个月要交$35澳币,然后有$450的电话费,250MB的手机流量。
我看了公告,我自己的理解是,我也只需要充值$29了 可是我上店铺问,他们说合同上什么价钱就是定了的。所以我才发了这个问题。
商家的意思是:现在提供两种服务,其一,the Big Cap $29 ,但是这种服务有时间限制(but for a limited time only,),;其二,the Your Cap $35 ,没有时间限制的.其中还有一个关于
You may have heard that we introduced the Big Cap $29 recharge which for a limited time comes with $450 of included credit¹.Because of this,we’ve decided to withdraw the Your Cap $35 voucher from sale
您可能已经得知:我们推出 the Big Cap $29 recharge 的服务,它有一个时间限制,但延续 “$450 of included credit1”.由于这项服务,我们已经从销售上决定收回 “the Your Cap $35 voucher”
This is good news for anyone recharging with a Your Cap $35 as you can now spend a little less and get even more value
.这(the Big Cap $29 )给每一位正在使用“ Your Cap $35 ”服务的顾客来说都是好消息,您能花更少的钱,享受更有价值的服务.
So when you recharge next,ask for the Big Cap $29,it normally comes with $300 credit but for a limited time only,the Big Cap $29 recharge has $450 of included credit1
因此,当您下次recharge的时候,如果选择the Big Cap $29,它一般会提供$300 credit ,但是介于时间上的限制,the Big Cap $29 recharge 包括 了credit1 的 450 元
View our voucher options & rates
详情参阅我们的凭证上的 《意见&收费》
For customers who have selected the Your Cap $35 on auto recharge,it will remain as is,however we recommend updating your auto recharge selection to the Big Cap $29 via My Account
对于已经选择了the Your Cap $35 的,收费照旧,但是我们推荐您通过My Account选项卡更新您的auto recharge selection 为the Big Cap $29
英语翻译好吧,我的疑问是,它的意思是我以后不用按照合同付$35只要$29了么?还是我理解错了,我今天去店里问,他们说没这 好吧,我该去参加各种各样的课外活动了.英语翻译 英语翻译请您按照我给您的信息下定单,我今天问过同事他们说09年您知道的地址已经注销了,我给您的地址是正确的, 英语翻译今天是我值日,我盼望着一天已经很久了.今天是星期三,天气太棒了!让我来谈谈我的爱好吧!我最喜爱的运动是篮球,几乎 英语翻译我我我英语书扔教室了...好吧谁有时间发过来一下..好吧现在我需要的是Section B那个收集的表格。Bob 英语翻译我的合同今天就到期了,我来这里是想跟你们说声再见,这段时间很高兴与你们相处. 好吧我囧了 英语翻译今天,我和我的朋友吵架了,我不知道怎么办,因为是我的错.我在想该怎么去和她道歉,心里想,她会原谅我吗?我刚刚想去 英语翻译我做了个简单的合同给你,产品的交货期是7-10天.由于需要更改机器的发动机,所以需要您在订货前付完全款.我公司是 英语翻译也可以不用按我讲的中文翻,只要是这个意思就行. 我是初三的学生,今天语文作文题目是{你在我心里}写作文是要按照初中生活为素材去写,我没有按照素材去写,但是围绕了题目去写 英语翻译最近店里来了两个维族人,老是叫我裤子还是酷仔,我就没有听清了,我想请问一下懂维语的朋友,我总感觉是骂人的话!我这