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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 10:51:57
Thick phragmites reeds grow on both sides of the little river in Mao Dun’s hometown of Wuzhen, so thick that even a breeze cannot penetrate. Every once in a while when a stone bridge appears through the gaps of the reeds, it seems that the smothering phragmites is taking a deep breath, letting out an air of ease. The strong, large arc of that arch bridge, or the simple, straight line of the flat bridge, are all forming a clear contrast against the phragmites reeds.
In the “Busy on the River during the Qingming Festival,” Zhang Zeduan made the bridge as the highlight of his picture scroll. It’s a lively scene showing people bustling through, on and under the bridges, with various boats. It’s a picture of busy life on both sides of the river condensed through the connection of the bridges. The development of Mao Dun has promoted the climax of the drama, and the overlapping images have formed a rich picture. Bridges often acted the roles that connected the overlapping and interlocking images. No wonder bridges are often seen in paintings and photographs. Far away there was a farmland, quite simple. A small bridge suddenly appeared at the end of the small trail, with its upside down reflection in the river beneath the bridge, and its reflection was again broken by duckweeds and weeds. No matter it’s a wooden bridge or a stone bridge, its vertical and horizontal structure coordinates with the ripples underneath it to compose music of forms and colors. The field is silent, and the painters love to listen to the songs of bridges in such quiet places. They look for ridges, as if children look for liveliness. Between high mountains and deep valleys, traffic depends on iron or bamboo suspension bridges. I have painted quite a few suspension bridges in Tibet, Xishuangbanna, and Sichuan. The danger of single-person suspension bridge, in the eyes of the paints is just a line, a flexible line! It may be difficult to argue that there is power of life in a single isolated line, but it is the dangerous environment that raised the life of bridges. It is the lines of rocks, trees, bushes, and streams in the background that make lines of bridges to have their unique power of life.
From far away, the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is also a line. Is that straight line beautiful? Whether a straight line qualifies the new concept of aesthetics? It’s not appropriate to ask such questions in general, and there are no general answers for these questions. The process of form in arts, can often result a miss that is as good as a mile. In order to paint the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge, I once climbed the Lion’s Mountain in Nanjing, just to find a background for the Bridge’s straight line, to find its echo, extension, line, and plane! In order to paint the Qiangtang River Bridge, I twice climbed up the mountain slope behind the Liuhe Pagoda. However, I was never able to arrange the relationship between the enormous Pagoda and the lengthy Bridge, therefore could not be composed in a painting. Although there are many weeping willows in Bingjiang, and peach flowers all over the mountain, how can these pink colors determine the beauty of the structure! There are many straight bridges along the Chendu-Kunming Railroad, and trains would be consistently crossing bridges, entering tunnels, exiting tunnels, crossing bridges. It’s almost like bridges connecting tunnels, and tunnels connecting bridges. Every time you go through a circular mountain valley, you look back and forth, there are many straight lines of bridges flying over the cliffs. Sometimes it’s danger with beauty, while other times it’s danger without beauty. The beauty and danger are not the same issue.
Photographers and painters continue to seek the beauty of bridges. Large bridges, small bridges, they all have their own beauty. Someone painted a Magpie Bridge, a bridge composed of magpies not only has its good meaning, it has its free style and lively. Whatever makes an image that has the key effects of composing and connecting, it is sure to have the beauty of a bridge!
写得非常好,不过这种文艺手法浓的文章可不容易翻译 :)
英语翻译茅盾故乡乌镇的小河两岸都是密密的芦苇,真是密不透风,每当其间显现一座石桥时,仿佛发闷的苇丛做了一次深呼吸,透了一 茅盾故乡乌镇的小河两岸都是密密的芦苇,真是密不透风,每当其间显现一座石桥时,仿佛发闷的苇丛做了一次深呼吸,透了一口舒畅的 桥之美 阅读茅盾故乡乌镇的小河两岸都是密密的芦苇,真是密不透风,每当其间显现一座石桥时,仿佛发闷的苇丛做了一次深呼吸,透 桥之美 阅读理解茅盾故乡乌镇的小河两岸都是密密的芦苇,真是密不透风,每当其间显现一座石桥时,仿佛发闷的苇丛做了一次深呼吸 赏析下列句子:1.茅盾故乡乌镇的小河两岸都是密密的芦苇,真是密不透风,每当其间显现一座石桥时,仿佛发闷的苇丛做了一次深呼 阅读文段,回答问题。  茅盾故乡乌镇的小河两岸都是密密的芦苇,真是密不透风,每当其间显现一座石桥时,仿佛发闷的苇丛做了一 体味下列句子的含义1.矛盾故乡乌镇的小河两岸都是密密的芦苇,真是密不透风,每当其间显现一座石桥时,仿佛发闷的芦苇做了一次 分析句子的修辞手法1.田野里的青蛙发出鸣叫好像在唱歌一样 2.每当其间显现一座石桥时,仿佛发闷的苇丛做了一次深呼吸,透了 吴冠中的桥之美阅读题阅读第4段回答问题.1“每当其间显现一座石桥时,仿佛发闷的苇丛做了一次深呼吸,透了一口舒畅的气”写得 《桥之美 》每当期间显现一座石桥时,仿佛发闷的苇丛做了一次深呼吸,透了一口舒畅的气.这句话的显现这词语的妙处是?无论是木 茅盾故乡乌镇的小河...与芦苇丛构成鲜明的对照用了什么说明方法 初二第12课桥之美课文桥之美中 桥美在哪几方面,概括的说,有10个方面举例:乌镇的芦苇丛中显现出了一座石桥按照上面的句子