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篇英语作文内容写:你的美国笔友AIex给你写了一封信,告诉你甲型流感H1N1 FIU在美国引起恐慌他非常担心.请写信告诉

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/03 08:37:03
篇英语作文内容写:你的美国笔友AIex给你写了一封信,告诉你甲型流感H1N1 FIU在美国引起恐慌他非常担心.请写信告诉他预防甲流方法,平时生活应该怎么办要注意什么,不幸得了甲流,必须马上去医院.

Dear Alex,

I'm sorry to hear that H1N1 FLU has affected America. I have a few pieces of advice: 1. If you can help it, avoid eating pork and chicken. 2. Avoid eating out as much as possible, because the source of the poultry is uncertain. 3. If you come down with the flu, don’t go to the hospital in a panic, first observe for some time, as a hospital’s environment is sealed, and there’s a possibility of overlapping infection. 4. Do more exercise and eat more fruits and vegetables, to strengthen your immune system. 5. Be vigilant, paying attention at all times to information from Chinese authorities, Hong Kong media, and the World Health Organization.
From this point on, everyone must eat fully-cooked food, eggs too cannot be eaten too soft, the H7N9 virus cannot survive being heated at 65℃for 30 minutes and at 100℃for two minutes. You must not allow yourself to get sick, be sure to stay warm, don’t hang around places with poultry, and for now don’t eat any poultry products. Remember to also diligently wash your hands, and not give the virus the chance to enter your body. Everyone should take care of your health!


Li Hua
篇英语作文内容写:你的美国笔友AIex给你写了一封信,告诉你甲型流感H1N1 FIU在美国引起恐慌他非常担心.请写信告诉 英语作文:假设你叫李华,你的美国笔友mike昨天给你来信,告诉你他要来天津度假.请你根据提示用英语写... 写关于假如你是李华,请给你的英国笔友Harry写信,告诉他中国人怎么过春节的英语作文 英语作文:给你的英国笔友苏珊写信.告诉她,你非常感谢她上次在信中寄给你的英国邮票.你很喜欢它们.你告诉苏 假设你是张林,你在美国的笔友**写信告诉你,由于车祸使他丧失了左眼打算辍学,请你用英语写一封信却说 英语作文 假设你是李红,你的美国笔友(JIM)来信要你告诉他你在学校的生活情况, 写一张明信片给你的笔友Joseph,告诉他你的家庭成员在这天做了什么. 作文:假如你是李华,你所在的城市最近二年发生了巨大变化,请给你在美国的笔友Tom 写一封信,告诉 帮忙写篇英语作文:假如你是李华,请给你的美国笔友迈克写封信,介绍你的高中学习和生活情况,内容包括: 急需英语作文假若你是王涛,写信告诉你在美国的笔友paul,光明中学.同时告诉他,两年前你认识并帮助的一个贫困山区的学生李 你的笔友sam给你来信,告诉你他在美国的生活,他要求你给他写一封信,告诉他你的学校生活.信的内容必须包括以下内容:1.你 英语作文:假设你是李华.你的美国笔友写信说他很努力学习汉语,但说很难.请你回信告诉他怎么做.