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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 16:12:06
举例:“[A]n allowance giveaway would be grossly unfair,” commented the state’s Department of Environmental Conservation in a memorandum:
[U]nder the proposed RGGI rule,the modestly increased costs to electricity consumers under RGGI will be cycled back through...
再问: 非常感谢,还想问一下:似乎还有在句子中间出现的情况,会不会是引述者做的补充呢?
再答: 是的。方括号一般都是引述者对原文在保持原意的基础上进行的说明性调整。特意帮你翻了一下我们以前论文的要求。 如需对引文中的某项内容作必要的说明,可使用方括号。方括号表明其中的内容为说明性文字,不属于原文,而是论文作者自己加的。如: Whyshe would hang on him [Hamlet’s father] As if increase of appetite had grown By what it fed on…. 在上面这个例子中,[Hamlet’s father] 是对him的说明,便于读者明白him指的是谁。又如: Manyreaders have taken seriously Tennyson's exhortation “[t]o strive, to seek, tofind, and not to yield”. 在上面这个例子中,[t]o表明原文里用的是To,这里为了使句子合乎语法,论文作者把大写T改产了小写t。再如: “[O]nlythose who have never tried it for a week or two,” writes Robertson Davies, “cansuppose that the pursuit of knowledge does not demand a strength anddetermination, a resolve not to be beaten, that is a special kind of energy.” 在上面这个例子中,[O]nly表明原文里用的是only,这里为了使句子合乎语法,论文作者把小写o改成了大写O。