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abaqus 创建 节点集(node set)时选择某条线上的节点

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/14 08:12:14
abaqus 创建 节点集(node set)时选择某条线上的节点
再问: 噢,谢谢!节点编号是连续的话是用语言来实现吗?没有像ansys里选中了线,可以直接选取依附在线上的点?
再答: http://www.doc88.com/p-030414847226.html 这个上面写的很全,你可以看下
再问: 非常感谢!!请问,您有没有用过cohesive element?现在遇到些问题,想请教一下~
再问: 刚刚试了一下,发现这个路径和我说的节点集不一样,我说的那个是在建模前处理时用到的~
再答: 对不起,没看清你的问题如果是一条边的话,试试这个选取特征边的nodes
再问: 感觉应该是这个,就是特征边后面填的那个值不知道是啥…
再答: 帮助文档里面说角度0~90°abaqus会自动寻找大于你指定角度的相邻单元面,如果相交的边与你选定的特征边角度大于指定角,则会被截断
我把原文贴给你:By feature edgeThe feature edge method is also a multistep process:
In the prompt area, you enter an angle (from 0° to 90°).Abaqus/CAE identifies all the feature edges in your model by finding all the element edges where the angle between two adjacent element faces is greater than the angle specified.From the native mesh or orphan mesh, you select an element edge or node.Abaqus/CAE follows the feature edge that passes through the selected element edge or node. The feature edge is truncated if another feature edge intersects it at an angle greater than the angle specified in Step 1.Abaqus/CAE selects all the elements or nodes along the feature edge.

Figure 6–6 illustrates how the feature edge method allows you to select all the nodes along the edges of a flange of an exhaust manifold represented by an orphan mesh.Figure 6–6 Enter an angle and select a segment of an edge to select adjacent nodes.
再问: 好的,非常感谢!我真是菜鸟新手,帮助文档还没用利索…