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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/04 23:05:07
The Policeman and the Thief
Once, a new policeman caught a thief in a small town, and decided to bring him back to the police station in the city. On their way they came to a shop where bread was sold. “ We have no food, and we must be hungry after a while. Let me go into the shop and buy some bread for us. Wait here for me.” The thief said.
The policeman agreed with him and waited in the street for a long time , but thief didn’t come out of the shop. The policeman began to be worried ,and ran into the shop, he couldn’t see the thief but the back door of the shop.
The policeman had to go back to the police station alone, and he was very unhappy.
Luckily, the policeman caught the thief at the same place the next day. When.they walked though the same street and the same shop, “ Wait here,” said the policeman “ Last time you ran away from the shop. This time , I’ll go into the shop and buy the bread , and you must wait here for me.”
一次, 一个新上任的警察在小镇上抓住了一个小偷,他决定把这小偷押送到城里警察局去.在路上,他们路过了一家面包店.“我们没带吃的,呆会儿肯定会饿的,让我去给咱们买点面包.你在这等等我啊.”小偷说道.
A man goes to church and starts talking to God. He says: "God, what is a million dollars to you?" and God says: "A dollar", then the man says: "God, what is a million years to you?" and God says: "a second", then the man says: "God, can I have a dollar?" and God says "In a second"
一男子进入教堂和上帝对话.他问:"上帝啊, 一百万美元对你意味着多少?"上帝回答:"一美元."男子又问:"那一百万年呢?"上帝说:"一秒钟."最后男子请求道:"上帝,我能得到一美元吗?"上帝回答:"过一秒钟."
Too Fast or Too Slow
A man was driving at 130 miles an hour when a policeman overtook him.
"Was I driving too fast,officer?"the man asked.
"NO,"the policeman answered,"You were flying too slow."