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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 01:15:06
The founder (in the sense of first practitioner) of this so-called “noble discipline of natural law” was according to Pufendorf “the incomparable Hugo Grotius,” who “set out to construct a work wherein he was not ruled by the influence of his precedessors” and that resisted the fragmenting tendencies of discrepant opinions.
first practitioner是否该译为仅先驱”?the incomparable Hugo Grotius“无与伦比的格老秀斯”?“that resisted the fragmenting tendencies of discrepant opinions”“该著作反对把思想仅仅因为在观点上有差异而划分为不同的流派”?
1、first practitioner 这里是创始人,
2、the incomparable hugo grotius 我觉得翻译成无可替代的格老秀斯比较好,
3、that resisted the fragmenting tendencies of discrepant opinions 这个你翻译的比较准确,但是不是稍显累赘?“他反对把不同的思想划划分为不同流派”就可以了.