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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/05 09:14:56
3 当压力大的时候,你会干什么.为什么?
4 你喜欢样宠物么?
5 在我小的时候,当我看到跳舞好的人,就会很想去学舞蹈,看到唱歌棒的人,也会想去学唱歌,你有没有这种时候?有的话 你会坚持以前的想法去坚持以前的爱好,还是从新开始去学习新的你感兴趣的东西呢?
6 喜不喜欢收集东西,喜欢收集什么?
7 你父母有没有因为你的兴趣影响学习而让你放弃呢?
8 你喜欢听歌么,最喜欢的歌星是谁?最喜欢哪首歌?
9 那么电影呢或者电视剧,最喜欢那部?
10 喜不喜欢运动类的作为爱好?我不喜欢,因为会觉得很累.
Today, we discuss about love, Everyone has something likes to do, and something do not like to do.
In the relaxing time,what do you love to do, why? In the holidays, I like to stay at home, watch TV,surf, Internet, read books, listen to music. Because I do not like sports, so I do little exercise. Sometimes I also like to and go shopping with my friends.I like to chat with friends drink coffee.together. Next, let us discuss about our hobby.
1. In the relaxing time,what do you like to do? Tell me why .
2 Do you think what to do in your spare time, to make spare time. more abundant
3 What would you do when facing great pressure ?. Why?
4 Do you like pet?
5 When I was a child, when I see people dance,well, I felt an urge to learn dancing,so did singing for me., do you have time like this? Yes, you will stick to the previous ideas to adhere to the previous hobby, or start again to learn something new that you're interested in ?
6Whether do you like to collect things or nor,if yes,what would you like to collect?
7 Did your parents let you give up your hobby for influencing your study ?
8 Do you like listening to music?If yes,what's your favorite singers ? Which song is your favorite?
9, So do the movie or TV series,which is your favorite?
10 Do you whether like sports or not? I do not like,it, because it makes me feel very tired.