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Animals in winter冬天的动物 作文

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Animals in winter冬天的动物 作文
“Hi! I’m Snowshoe Rabbit. I’m looking for something to eat. But, it is not very easy because the forest is covered with snow and the trees are bare.”“嗨!我是雪兔。我在寻找吃的,但找吃的并不那么容易,因为森林里遍地是雪,树叶也落光了。”“During the winter, people have nice, warm houses to live in, but animals have to stay outside. So, we have to do different things to survive the cold.”“冬天,人们住又舒服又暖和的房子,但动物要留在外面。为了避冷,我们需要各行其是。”“During the winter, you don’t see many birds in the forest because most of them have migrated. In the fall, when the weather gets cool, the birds gather together and fly south to warmer places.”“冬天,你能看见的鸟不多,那是因为大部分都迁徙了。秋天,当天气转凉的时候,鸟聚在一起,飞向温暖的南方。”“When people travel they use maps, but when birds travel they do not have any maps. It is amazing that they never get lost; they know exactly where to go. Some birds use the sun, the moon, and the stars to guide them.”“人们旅游时用地图看路线,鸟儿却没有任何地图,但它们很清楚去哪里。有些鸟靠太阳、月亮和星星给它们指引方向。”“Sometimes you can see some deer, foxes, and rabbits like me in the wintertime. We do not sleep or go away because we like the winter, we eat whatever we can find such as moss, twigs, bark, and leaves.”“你有时能在冬天看见一些鹿、狐狸和像我一样的兔子。我们不睡觉,也不迁徙,因为我们喜欢冬天。我们吃我们能找到东西,如苔藓、嫩枝、树皮和树叶。”“However, there are many animal that sleep during the winter unlike me, a rabbit. Many animals like bats, squirrels, skunks, chipmunks, and bears sleep during the winter. That is called hibernation.”“可有许多动物在冬天睡觉。例如蝙蝠、松鼠、臭鼬、金花鼠和熊都在冬天睡觉,这叫冬眠。”“By sleeping, they save energy and are able to live on very little food. Among them, chipmunks, squirrels and some other animals are called true hibernators.”“睡觉时它们节省能量,吃一点点食物也能活着。它们中间,金花鼠和松鼠还有其它动物属于真正的冬眠动物。”“When true hibernators sleep, the temperature of their body decreases and their heart slows down. So, they need less food. In fact, when you see hibernating animals they look like they are dead. If you touch them they feel very cold.”“真正的冬眠动物睡觉时体温会降低,心脏工作也慢起来。所以它们需要少量的食物。事实上,真正的冬眠动物睡觉时看起来像死了一样。如果你摸它们,会感觉非常冰凉。”“Other animals, like bears, sleep most of the winter as well. However, they are not true hibernators because their body temperature cannot decreas.”“其它动物如熊,也要冬眠,可它们不是真正的冬眠动物,因为它们的体温不降低。”“Bears need to eat a huge amount of food in the fall to keep them warm before they go to sleep for the winter. By the time spring comes, the bears have lost most of their fat.”“熊需要在秋天吃很多食物,冬天睡觉的时候才会感觉到暖和。春天来到时,熊消耗了它们的大部分脂肪。”“Actually, animals do not sleep all winter long. Some Animals can sleep for one month, but many animals only sleep for a few days at a time。When they get hungry, they wake up a little while and eat some of their food.”“其实,动物们不是连睡一个冬天。有些动物可以睡一个月,但许多动物一次只睡几天。当它们饥饿的时候,醒来一小会儿,吃一些食物。”“Many hibernating animals have a place in their little homes where they can go to the toilet. Also, if the animals get too cold, they can die. So, on very cold days many animals wake up and try to get warm by shivering. This makes their bodies warmer.”“许多冬眠动物的窝里还有一个厕所。如果动物们太冷了,会冻死的。所以,在非常寒冷的时候,一些动物会起来试着抖动身子,让自己感觉暖和一些。”“In the pond,many animals hibernate in the winter as well. Some turtles and frogs swim to the bottom of the pond before the water freezes. They dig a little hole in the mud at the bottom, and spend the winter sleeping beneath the frozen ice.”“池塘里,许多动物冬天也在冬眠。一些海龟和青蛙在池水结冰前游到池塘水底,它们在水底的泥地上挖一个小洞,在冰下冬眠。”“What about fish? Have you ever wondered what happens to fish when the water is frozen? Most fish stay awake for the winter,but they are very quiet and still. They go down to the bottom of the pond where the water is not frozen and wait for spring to come.”“那么鱼呢?你想过水结冰后鱼会怎么样呢?许多鱼在冬天醒着,但它们非常安静。它们呆在没结冰的水中等待春天的到来。当然,它们还是在池塘里了。”“It’s lonely here in the winter, but after their long sleep, my animals friends will come out of their houses and enjoy a fresh new spring. Chirp,chirp! I think I hear the birds coming! Wake up everyone! It’s spring!“冬天在这里很孤独,但经过长睡之后,我的动物朋友们会从它们的窝里出来,享受一个新的春天。叽喳!叽喳!我想,我听见鸟叫了!把大伙唤起来,现在是春天了!”西安西一路小学含芝 翻译 2011年12月