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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/07/08 14:21:26
急需一些关于独角兽的介绍 传说 多多益善哈
传说大约五千年前第一只独角兽出现,并将文字传授于伏曦皇帝.在大约4700年前,也就是公元前2697年,另一只独角兽出现在黄帝的花园.这一吉兆被视为黄帝之统治将千秋万代,和平繁荣.尧帝统治时期也出现过两只独角兽,因此,尧帝便成为四千年前五大皇帝之一.----------------------------------Licorne is the legend of a mysterious animal.Often described as a slender body of a white horse,the amount before a helix angle (which is also a characteristic of the Licorne).There are many different forms of the Licorne statement.Some of it,like a horse in Damascus,the head of one angle,it is difficult to tame animals.Some goat-like animal that it is,the last frame,the sacred animals,some even believe the nation Licorne.Greek animal mass,body Licorne white,golden yellow is the angle of the forehead,was tapered.Spirit is the goddess Athena,the Goddess Athena with one pair of wings can be carefree stroll in the sky.Modern is from different parts of the nation from the illusion that similar goats from the initial biological evolved into pure and beautiful animals.It can be turned into different sizes and colors from ivory into ebony black or white as rainbow colors,to escape hunters hunt.Sometimes,like Pegasus as a wing.However,although the shape and color can Licorne changing,but the basic concept never changed,it is represented elegance,arrogant and purity…… said that the angle is the treatment of functional Licorne,removing dust and toxic.to prevent poisoning and other diseases,even eternal effect.So popular with the last frame made of the European aristocracy,the Royal Cup legend test because there is poison.Horn Licorne as detoxification treasures in Europe,is highly effective in administering the abdomen.Therefore,the hunter has become the target Licorne…… last frame of a therapeutic function may arise from the medieval legend of the story.Legend,in a quiet midnight,there are many animals surround a pond.But water is toxic,and they dare not drink until one Licorne there.It has used the last frame on a lightly soiled with pools of toxic water and immediately become Qingche cleansing.In Chinese mythology,the Licorne is an auspicious objects.It will arise only in carrying out an important mission.It appeared to be seen as a symbol of better times.When world peace will be better when Chongxian Licorne.Only about 5,000 years ago the first legend Licorne that it will be taught in the language and downs Sunrise emperor.In about 4700,that is,before 2500 in 2697 and another in the Yellow Emperor's Garden Licorne.The company will be regarded as the rule of Huangdi future generations,peace and prosperity.Monarch Yao rule there were two Licorne,therefore,Monarch Yao became emperor 4,000 years ago,one of the five.