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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 16:06:35
就像英美人说雨下得大,并不是说It's falling heavy rain,而是说 It's raining cats and dogs.
这句话,想要翻译没那么简单.因为这句话,不像 raining cats and dogs 一样在英文里有 idiom.

早知如此,何必当初 、句型有几个 :

① If I had known it would come to this, I would/wouldn't have ______.
② If I knew it'd end like this, I would/wouldn't have _______________.
③ If I saw this outcome, I would/wouldn't have __________________.

如 :

If I had known it would come to this, I would have done things differently.
If I knew it'd end like this , I wouldn't have let things go this far.
If I saw this outcome, I wouldn't have pursued it in the first place.

再问: 不好意思,可能是我没表达清楚。 我的意思是,假设一种情况:“有一个人以为他自己比我强大,总是向我挑衅,在我的无数次忍让以后,终于把我激怒,结果我一出手就石破天惊一招制敌,他输得服服帖帖,然后开始求我原谅,放他一条狗命,然后我对他不屑地说‘早知如此,何必当初,啊你!!!’,请问这种情况下的‘早知如此,何必当初,啊你!’应该怎么翻译?呵呵,我这个人很麻烦,不好意思。
再答: 懂了。你是在说人家,不是在说你自己。 (1)If you had known it would come to this, you shouldn't have acted this way. (2)If you had known it would come to this, you shouldn't have continued to provoke me. 第一句比较 general 在很多情况下都可以用来说别人。 第二句比较 specific 是根据你所描述的情况而翻译的。