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英语家庭小故事如题 要全英语.在150字左右.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 18:57:14
One day,watching television with her and her husband,the television actress,is ballet,her husband said to me:"Wife,you are suited to ballet." Qiexi!Thought:her husband must think I am good figure.But I want to praise him directly and spots,when the deep breath and continued to ask him:"Why do you say that I am suitable for ballet that way?" Her husband to use a professional tone,seriousness,and said:"ballet of people can not be too much chest." I almost immediately roll down out of the chair.某日和老公一起看电视,电视中女演员正跳芭蕾,老公对我说:“老婆,你也很适合跳芭蕾.”窃喜!心想:老公一定觉得我身材不错.可是我想让他表扬得直接点,于时沉住气继续问他:“你为什么说我适合跳芭蕾呀?”老公一本正经并用专业的语气说道:“跳芭蕾的人胸都不能太大的.”我顿时差点从椅子上滚下来.