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英语在线翻译If you leave something important on a bus or undergrou

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/14 08:01:49
If you leave something important on a bus or underground train while traveling around London , you should visit the London Transport Lost Property Office in central London. “we ‘ve got everything here ,but it’s difficult to imagine how people lost some things,” says manager Maureen Beaumont, leave a box of false teeth.”How can anyone holding their teeth on a bus ?” “If there’s a name and address somewhere on the item(物品),we try to contact the owner and return it . Visitors to London are always surprised to get their property back. If we can’t find the owner anywhere, we keep the
如果你在伦敦旅游时在公交车或者地铁里落下了重要的东西,你应该去伦敦中心找伦敦交通失物招领处。“我们这儿能收到一切东西,难以想象人们怎么会弄丢这些物品,”Maureen Beaumont经理说,放下了一盒假牙,“谁会在公交车上手拿着他的牙齿?”“如果物品上有名字和地址,我们会试着联系主人并归还给他。来伦敦的人们在拿回他们的东西时总是很惊讶。如果我们怎么也找不到主人,我们会替他保管着。”