作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/05 08:57:50
absence – absense, absance[3][10]
acceptable – acceptible [4]
accidentally/accidently – accidentaly [4]
accommodate – accomodate, acommodate[3][4]
achieve – acheive[3]
acknowledge – acknowlege, aknowledge[3]
acquaintance – acquaintence, aquaintance[3]
acquire – aquire, adquire [4]
acquit – aquit [4]
acreage – acrage, acerage[3]
across – accross
address – adress[3]
adultery – adultary[3]
advertise – advertize
advice – advise
advisable – adviseable, advizable[3]
affect – effect[3]
aggression – agression, aggresion[1]
alcohol – alchohol[1]
allege – alege, allage[1]
allegiance – allegaince, allegience, alegiance[3]
almost – allmost[3]
a lot – alot (must be 2 words)[4]
amateur – amatuer, amature [4]
amend – ammend[1]
among – amung
annually – anually, annualy[3]
apparent – apparant, aparent [4]
arctic – artic[3]
argument – arguement[1][4]
atheist – athiest[3][4]
athlete – athelete
average – avrage, averege[1]
awful – awfull, aweful[3]
balance – ballance, balence
basically – basicly
because – becuase[3]
becoming – becomeing[3]
before – befor
beginning – begining[3]
believe – beleive [4]
bellwether – bellweather[3][4]
benefit – benifit
buoy/buoyant – bouy/bouyant[3]
breathe – breath, brethe
brilliant – briliant
burglar – burgler[1]
business – bisness,[1] bussiness,
bizness, buisness

[edit] C–D
calendar – calender[3][4]
camouflage – camoflage, camoflague[3]
capitol – capital[3](both words exist, but are distinct)
career – carrer
careful – carefull
Caribbean – Carribean[3]
category – catagory[3][4]
caught – cauhgt, caugt[3]
ceiling – cieling
cemetery – cemetary,[1] cematery[3]
certain – certin
changeable – changable[3][4]
chief – cheif[3]
citizen – citezen
colleague – collaegue, collegue[3]
collectible – collectable[3][4]
column – colum [4]
comfortable - confortable
coming – comming[3]
committed – commited, comitted[3][4]
competition – compitition
concede – conceed[3]
congratulate – congradulate[3]
conscientious – consciencious [3][4]
conscious – concious, consious [4]
consensus – concensus[1][3][4]
controversy – contraversy[1]
convenience – conveniance
coolly – cooly[3]
criticize – critecize, critisize
daiquiri – dacquiri, daquiri [4]
deceive – decieve[1][3]
decide – dicide
definite – definate,[1] definit[4]
definitely – definitly,[4] definately, defiantly
deposit – deposite
describe - discribe
desperate – desparate[1][3]
develop – develope
difference – diffrence[3]
dilemma – dilema[3]
disappear – disapear, dissapear
disappoint – disapoint[1]
disastrous – disasterous[3]
discipline – disipline
doable - dooable
does – deos, dose
drunkenness – drunkeness [4]
dumbbell – dumbell [4]
during – durring

[edit] E–H
easily – easely
eighth – eigth
either – iehter, ether
embarrass – embarass[1][4]
environment – enviroment
equipped – equiped
equipment – equiptment (wrong in numerous webpages)[4]
exaggerate – exagerate
exceed – excede [4]
excellent – exellent, excelent
except – exsept
exercise – exercize, exersize
exhausted - exausted
exhilarate – exilerate [4]
existence – existance [4]
expect - exspect
experience – experiance [4]
experiment – experament
explanation – explaination
extreme – extreem[1]
familiar – familier
fascinating – facinating,[1] fasinating
fiery – firey [4]
finally – finaly
fluorescent – flourescent[1]
foreign – foriegn [4]
forty – fourty
forward – foreward
friend – freind[1]
fulfil – fullfil (American: fulfill)[1]
fundamental – fundemental
gauge – guage[1][4]
generally – generaly, genrally
government – goverment
grammar – grammer
grateful – gratefull, greatful[1][4]
guarantee – garantee, garentee, garanty[1][4][10]
guidance – guidence [11]
happiness – happyness
harass – harrass[1][4]
height – heighth, heigth [4]
heroes – heros
hierarchy – heirarchy [4]
hors d'oeuvres – hors derves, ordeurves[3]
humorous – humerous [4]
hygiene – hygene, hygine, higeine, hygeine[3]
hypocrisy/hypocrite – hipocrit[1][3]

[edit] I–K
identity – idenity, identidy
ignorance – ignorence [4]
imaginary – imaginery
imitate – immitate[3]
imitation – immitation, imitashun
immediately – imediately[1][4]
incidentally – incidently
independent – independant [4][7]
indispensable – indispensible [4]
inoculate – innoculate [4]
intelligence – inteligence, intelligance [4]
interesting – intresting
interruption – interuption
irrelevant – irrelevent
irritable – irritible
island – iland
jealous – jellous
jewelry (UK: jewellery) – jewelery [4]
judgment – judgement (issue in the U.S.)[4]
kernel – kernal, distinct from homophone colonel[4]
kindergarten - kindergarden
knowledge – knowlege

[edit] L–O
laboratory – labratory
leisure – liesure [4]
length – lenght
lesson – leson
liaison – liason[1][4]
library – libary, liberry [4]
license – lisence[4] (US always license, UK noun licence)[1]
lightning – lightening [4]
loneliness – lonelyness
lose – loose
losing – loosing, loseing
lying – lieing
maintenance – maintenence, maintnance[1]
maneuver – manuever, manuver (UK: manoeuvre)
marriage – marrige
mathematics – mathmatics
medicine – medcine[citation needed]
medieval – medeval, medevil, mideval [4]
memento – momento [4]
millennium – millenium, milennium[1][4]
miniature – miniture[1][4]
minuscule – miniscule[1][4][dubious – discuss]
minute – minite
mischievous – mischevous, mischevious [4]
misspell – mispell, misspel[1][4]
mysterious – misterius,[citation needed] misterious
naturally – naturaly
necessary – neccessary, necessery[1]
niece – neice[1]
neighbor – nieghbor [4]
neither – niether
noticeable – noticable [4]
occasion – occassion[1]
occasionally – occasionaly, occassionally [4]
occurrence – occurrance, occurence [4]
occurred – occured[1]
official – oficial
often – offen
omission – ommision, omision[1]
operate – oprate
opportunity – oppurtunity
optimism – optimisim
original – orignal[1]
outrageous – outragous[1]

[edit] P–Q
paid – payed
parallel – parrallel, parellel
parliament – parliment[1]
particularly – particurly
pastime – passtime, pasttime [4]
peculiar – peculier
perceive – percieve[1]
perform – preform
permanent – pernament
perseverance – perseverence [4]
personally – personaly
personnel – personell, personel[4]
persuade – persaude
picture – pichure, pitcher
piece – peice
planning – planing
plagiarize – plagerize[3]
playwright – playright, playwrite[4]
pleasant – plesant
political – pollitical
possession – posession, possesion[1][4]
potatoes – potatos[1]
practical – practicle
precede – preceed [4]
prejudice – predjudice
presence – presance[1]
principle – principal [4]
privilege – privelege, priviledge[1][4]
probably – probly
professional – proffesional
professor – professer[3]
promise – promiss [11]
pronunciation – pronounciation [4]
proof – prufe [12]
prophecy (as noun) – prophesy (valid as verb)[3]
psychology – psycology
publicly – publically[4]
quantity – quanity
quarantine – quarentine[3]
quarter - korter
queue – que (from Bar-B-Que)[3]
questionnaire – questionaire, questionnair[1]
quite – distinct from quiet

[edit] R–S
readable – readible [8]
realize – relize, reelize
really – realy[1]
receive – recieve[1][4]
receipt – reciept [4]
recognize – reconize, reckonize
recommend – recomend, reccommend[1][4]
referred – refered [4]
reference – referance, refrence [4]
relevant – relevent, revelant[3][4]
religious – religous, religius[12]
repetition – repitition[12]
restaurant – restarant [4]
rhyme – rime, ryme [4]
rhythm – rythm, rythem[1][4]
ridiculous – rediculous, ridicolous
sacrifice – sacrefice
safety – saftey, safty
scissors – sissors
secretary – secratary, secretery[1]
seize – sieze[1]
separate – seperate[1][4]
sergeant – sargent [4]
shining – shineing
similar – similer,[1] simmilar, simular
sincerely – sinceerly
skilful – skilfull (American: skillful)[1]
soldier – solider
speech – speach, speeche (archaic)[12]
stopping – stoping
strength – strenght
succeed – succede
successful – succesful, successfull, sucessful[1]
supersede - supercede [4]
surely – surelly
surprise – suprise, surprize[1]

[edit] T–Z
temperature – temperture
temporary – temprary
their – they're [4]
through – thru
tomatoes – tomatos[1]
tomorrow – tommorrow[1]
tongue – tounge
tries – trys
truly – truely, trully
twelfth – twelth [4]
tyranny – tyrany [4]
underrate – underate[4]
until – untill [4]
unusual – unuseual
upholstery – upholstry[4]
usable/useable – usible [9]
using – useing
usually – usualy
vacuum – vaccuum, vacume [4]
vegetarian – vegatarian[1]
vehicle – vehical[1]
vicious – visious[1]
village – villege
weather – wether [4]
weird – wierd[1][4]
welcome – wellcome
welfare – wellfare, welfair[3]
whether – wether[3]
wilful – wilfull (American: willful)[1]
withhold – withold[1]
writing – writting, writeing [12]