作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/18 02:24:46
1.Foreign exchange dealing is more or less like a ___ gamble on exchange rates.
选项:a、calculated b、 malicious c、 deliberate d、 on purpose
2.The futures market is used primarily for either risk management or ___,and neither purpose requires delivery.
选项:a、gamble b、 venture c、 speculation d、 adventure
3.More or less,foreign exchange dealing ___ a gamble on exchange rates.
选项:a、involves b、 is involved in c、 includes d、 is involved with
4.To be brief,a hedge is placed by taking a futures position opposite to the position held in the ___ market.
选项:a、cash b、 share c、 stock d、 futures
5 .The buyer and seller of a futures contract make their contract not with each other but with the ___ associated with the futures exchange.
选项:a、commercial house b、 commission house c、 clear house d、 clearing house
6.A call is an option that gives the buyer the right to purchase the underlying futures contract at the ___ on or before the expiration rate.
选项:a、final price b、 bet c、 agreed price d、 strike price
7.A long position involves inflows ___ than outflows in a currency.
选项:a、smaller b、 greater c、 fewer d、 less
8.Because of overbuying,the shares have heavily___.
选项:a、appreciated b、 overvalued c、 increaced d、 depreciated
9.There are two different types of options:___ and puts.
选项:a、buying b、 selling c、 calling d、 calls
10.I’m afraid you have got a lot more questions to ___ me again.
选项:a、fight b、 wait c、 ask for d、 challenge
11.You can buy the dollars forward to reduce or eliminate the risk of an ___ movement in exchange rates.
选项:a、inverse b、 adverse c、 bad d、 diverse
12.Parties who have bought a futures contract are said to have taken a ___ position.
选项:a、big b、 short c、 full d、 long
13.From the beginning of this year to October,the stock market has been in a ___ of continuous rising of price.
选项:a、procedure b、 course c、 process d、 pass
14.Last time when I went back to my dormitory,I made an effort to ___ the information you provided.
选项:a、sort b、 single out c、 select d、 sort out
15.When you buy the corn on the cash market,you can ___ a futures contract of the same amount of corn on the futures market in anticipation of the corn price’s falling.
选项:a、sell long b、 sell short c、 sell out d、 sell up
16.The only variable in the futures contract is price which is discovered on an exchange-trading ___.
选项:a、ground b、 house c、 centre d、 floor
17.Anyway,either ___ of action runs a risk.
选项:a、piece b、 time c、 course d、 one
18.Futures prices are ___ for delivering a designated quality and quantity of grain to a specified place and time.
选项:a、quotes b、 quotations c、 cites d、 citations
19。No actual commodity is physically traded on the futures market.Instead ___ are bought and sold.
选项:a、futures contracts b、 shares c、 stocks d、 agreements
20。A financial institution which has ___ of a shorter reprising period than its assets.
选项:a、debts b、 hocks c、 liabilitiesshares
1a 2c 3d 4c 5d 6c 7b 8d 9d 10d 11b 12d 13c 14a 15b 16d 17c 18a 19a 20c