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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/13 08:47:23
THE EFFECTS OF MEDIA REPORTING ON on Civil Justice Decision Making
Jennifer K.Robbennolt
The misperceptions held by both lay decision makers and professionals can in- fluence a variety of legally related judgments as public perceptions shape decision making.In addition to the potential for coloring observers’ confidence in the author- ity and fairness of the law,many decisions made under uncertainty in the course of civil litigation are dependent on perceptions of civil litigation processes and estimates of likely trial outcomes.These perceptions and expectations may potentially influence decisions made by factfinders at trial,by litigants in civil disputes,by those who may potentially become involved in civil lawsuits in the future,and by those responsible for making policy decisions that affect the civil justice system.
Decision Making at Trial
The effect of the news media on perceptions of civil litigation has the potential to affect decision making in civil trials.If decision-makers do not recognize that the cases presented in the media are a skewed and atypical sample,news reports may instead be viewed as a standard by which to judge other cases.This could have a variety of consequences for decision-making,including the potential for jurors to award above-average amounts in damages which might then spur more media reports about a litigation crisis and runaway juries.
Judicial Decision Making
The potential influences of media news reporting on trial decisions are not limited to the sets of decisions detailed above,nor are they limited to juror or jury decision-making.As noted above,even legally trained actors may have mispercep- tions about the civil justice system.Moreover,recent experimental research has demonstrated that judges are susceptible to many of the same judgmental errors as are other hu- man beings (see Guthrie,Rachlinski,& Wistrich,2001; see Landsman & Rakos,1994 discussed above).However,compared to studies of jurors,there is a striking lack of experimental research examining the influences on judicial decision making in gen- eral and the influence of the media more specifically.Future research might address questions about how media reports influence decisions that judges must make in the course of a civil case (e.g.,case management decisions,evidentiary rulings,etc.).For example,would judges who were exposed to reports about frivolous litigation or about delay and backlog in the courts be more likely to dismiss a case or to urge the parties to settle?In addition,research might examine differences in the relative impact of the media on jurors and judges,given judges’ more direct experience with the system.
Jennifer K.Robbennolt (这是作者自己音译下)
新闻媒体报道对审判决策的潜在影响并不仅仅局限于前面详述的一系列决策,也不仅限于陪审员和陪审员的决策.如前所述,即使是经过法律培训的参与者都可能对民事审判体系产生误解.而且,最近的实验性研究表明法官和其他人一样也很容易受到很多相同的审判错误的影响.(以上论述的见Guthrie,Rachlinski,& Wistrich,2001;Landsman & Rakos,1994 ).然而,相比对陪审员的研究,用于检测一般性的司法裁决制定的影响的实验性研究显著缺乏而媒体的影响则显得更具体.今后的研究将致力于关于媒体报道是如何影响到法官在民事案件审理过程中的裁决的(比如个案管理裁决、证据裁决等).比如,那些经常因无关紧要的诉讼或者因延迟和堆积案件而被媒体披露的法官是不是会更倾向于不受理案子或者催促当事人解决?另外,通过提供给法官更多的系统内的直接经验,研究将就媒体对陪审员和法官的相关影响的不同点进行调查.