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英语翻译翻译:不要翻译器直接翻出来的,要求很简单,只要意思正确语句通顺即可,Two of the areas where

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 12:18:33
翻译:不要翻译器直接翻出来的,要求很简单,只要意思正确语句通顺即可,Two of the areas where there has been a fair amount of empirical work has been on the impact of FDI on growth and productivity.Because China has been so tremendously successful in attracting FDI,this literature is an important part of assessing the promise of foreign investment in a developing country context.Beginning with growth,applications of the most standard type with some combination of capital and labor explaining GDP growth,find that FDI makes significant contributions to growth (Chen,Chang and Zhang 1995; Sun 1998).These types of studies should be treated with caution,however,because FDI could be capturing the contributions of public policy to growth and therefore overstating its effects.We deal with this issue by constructing the policy variable ‘liberalization,’ discussed below.Also,these studies do not address the direction of causality:it is just as likely that GDP growth induces FDI as the other way around.In another study,Shan,Tiann,and Sun (1999) test whether industrial growth in China is Granger-caused by FDI or vice versa.They find a two-way causality between industrial growth and FDI,that both FDI-led growth and growth drawing FDI are supported by the empirical evidence,indicating that the relationship between FDI and growth is more complex than simple studies would suggest.More complex approaches draw on the insights of endogenous growth theory,emphasizing the indirect effects of FDI on growth through productivity spillovers and forward and backward linkages.These analyses are based on the premise that much of the value of FDI comes in the form of ideas and technological spillovers,as multinationals bring with them managerial know-how,international connections,and technologically advanced production processes,all of which combine to enhance a locale’s overall productivity beyond what FDI directly contributes to domestic investment.Shang-Jin Wei (1996),in an analysis of Chinese city-level data covering 1988-90,finds that holding the growth of inputs constant,a one percent increase in the share of foreign-invested firms in city output in 1988 is associated with a 0.32 percent higher growth rate in output,although he does not control for policy.In a different approach that focuses on total factor productivity,Dees (1998) adds a policy variable by controlling for openness,and finds that FDI contributed to Chinese growth only in the 1990s.In a similar analysis,Wei (1995) finds that FDI becomes significant for growth beginning in the late 1980s.
英语翻译翻译:不要翻译器直接翻出来的,要求很简单,只要意思正确语句通顺即可,Two of the areas where 英语翻译请翻译的语句通顺一点,最好不要翻译器翻译完直接复制粘贴上The Cu2ZnSnSe4(CZTS) compoun 英语翻译请人工翻译,不要用翻译软件.不用完全一样,只要把大概意思翻出来,语句通顺就好了.宠物貂身体细长,体型和家猫相似. 英语翻译用快译翻出来的意思不准确,有些语句也不通顺,希望能给出精准的翻译, 英语翻译其他故事也行,带翻译,只要语法正确,语句通顺即可.写的像初一写的.时态不要超出:一般现在时,现在进行时,一般过去 英语翻译用机器翻译的话麻烦也稍微修改一下,意思大概正确,语句通顺即可The two factors (dependent 英语翻译不需要百度翻译的,希望翻出来的语句通顺 求助英语翻译!不要那些百度翻译有道翻译那种翻译器翻出来的 英语翻译即使心情不好,只要看到你就会很开心.帮忙翻译英文,不要翻译器翻出来的.要口语前面再加个“有没有这样一个人”。 英语翻译1、要求不要使用在线翻译,翻译语句通顺,意思明确,语法正确,希望英语水平比较高的朋友帮忙翻译下.2、翻译内容如下 英语翻译要求翻译尽量准确、不要直接按照单词的顺序,尽量保证语句通顺,让人能够看懂.不知道有没有这种翻译器(在线或软件都可 英语翻译只要翻译不要赏析了解这首诗的意思即可