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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/02 18:57:01


A lot of people like smoking cigarettes.They think it can help them keep awake in the night,kill time when having nothing to do,or think better if they are working on something.Some people smoke for fun.Some girls take smoking as a fashion.Others say it’s easy for them to get along with each othe if they smoke together.
However,smoking cigarettes is realy bad for health.It can pollute the air and harm the lungs.If you keep smoking for years,it's very easy for you to get the lung cancer.Besides,people around you are also harmed when you smoke.
As a result,more and more countries try to forbid people to smoke in the public places.Most parents do not allow their young kids to smoke.In the advanced countries,many people do not smoke themselves and don’t offer cigarettes to others.
However,it’s not easy to give up smoking,because there is nicotine in cigarettes and it can make people get addicted.Therefore,many smokers can’t stop smoking completely.Last but not the least,the cigarette industry makes big money from smokers.They don’t really want people to keep away from cigarettes.As for me,I don’t smoke and wish others can stop smoking too. 再答: 望采纳!
再问: (⊙o⊙)哇。。是自己写的嘛?。。可不可以带答案。。谢谢
再问: 。。打错了。。不是答案是翻译。。有翻译嘛?谢谢麻烦了
再答: Ban smoking in Public places?
Smoking bans can be seen in public places in many countries.Our class had a heated discussion on banning smoking in public places.Opinions fall into two.On the one hand,some students think that it is bad for health and it is also has a strong influence on other people.So some students think that people should give up smoking.However,each coin has two sides.Some of them think that people can smoke in public places.It's none of anyone business.And if people don\x03 9;t smoke,it is bad for oporating of restaurant.Even it can make a unemployment.
In my opinion,I think people shouldn't smoke,because it is bad for their health
再答: 亲,我的回答你满意吗,满意麻烦给好评呢,或者你可以继续问我哦
再答: 禁止在公共场所吸烟?
吸烟禁令可以在许多国家的公共场所。我们班就禁止在公共场所吸烟进行了热烈的讨论。意见分为两种。一方面,一些学生认为它有害健康,也是对他人有很大的影响。所以有些学生认为人们应该给戒烟。然而,每个硬币都有两面。他们中的一些人认为,人们可以在公共场所吸烟。这是任何人的业务没有。如果人们都 9;T烟,对操作的餐厅,它是坏的。甚至可以让失业。
再答: 亲这是上一个的英文翻译,你可以和前面我给你的结合一下,要是一字不改会被老师看出来的呢,望采纳!