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汉译英 一小时内要 快

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 16:42:13
汉译英 一小时内要 快
在我的记忆中印象最深刻的人是我的父亲.他在所有人中是一位非常普通的人,可是在我心中他是一位伟大的父亲.从每件小事上我看到了的 不同.我知道所有的 父亲对于儿女都是一样的,我内心却很敬佩他.因为他让我知道了父爱同样的伟大.
The most impressive person in my memory is my father.He is just an ordinary man for others,but for me,he is a great father.I saw the difference in every small event.I know all the fathers treat their children in the same way,I admire him from the bottom of my heart,because he made me realize that the love from father is equally great.
We are not only father and son,but best friends in the world!I love my father more than he loves me,for he is the man i admire most.