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英语翻译Serena yawns,stretching her arms over her head,as she pa

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 01:49:08
Serena yawns,stretching her arms over her head,as she pads into the kitchen in her bare feet,where Nate's making nachos."God,who knew taking care of a bunny could be this much work?And you wanted a puppy," she teases.
"Yeah,maybe not the best idea," he laughs,feeding her a nacho chip."It's good that we're starting small.Maybe after we're done at Columbia we can get a dog."
She smiles warmly at him; she loves it when he talks about the future,especially when he does so in such a casual tone,as if their being together forever is a given."That sounds good," she agrees,adding,"As long as it won't eat my baby."
Nate nods,laughing.She's always had maternal instincts,toward Erik,even toward Blair,and he knows that Mr.Fuzzy is going to be completely spoiled and utterly loved."You're going to be a good mom." He means to tease,but it comes out sounding much more serious.Serena's lips part but she doesn't say anything,and he quickly amends,"I mean,to our bunny."
"And to our future dog?" she questions,looking like they've got some shared secret,though he doesn't know what it is.
He nods once more and takes a deep breath."And to our future kids," he mumbles.
Her smile blossoms again."You,too,Nate." She wraps her arms around him from behind and kisses his shoulder blade."We're going to rock this parenting thing way better than our own did," she promises.Burying her face in the material of his shirt for a moment,she asks,"How is your dad,have you been talking to him?"
Nate turns in her arms,placing his hands lightly on her hips,and shakes his head."No more than you've talked to yours."
They share bittersweet,understanding smiles for a moment before she hugs him tightly,her forehead pressed to his collarbone."I love you," she whispers,fiercely and passionately,against his skin,like it makes up for everything that has ever hurt him.
And it does.
“是啊,不过这可不是最好的主意.”他笑了,喂了她一口玉米脆饼,“我们从小的开始,这主意不错. 也许我们哥伦毕业毕业后可以养一只大狗.”
nate点头大笑.她总是这样有母性,对Erik是这样,甚至对Blair也这样.他知道未来的狗狗先生会被全心全意地宠着.“你会是个好妈妈的.”他想开个玩笑,不过听起来像是更认真说的.Serena的嘴微微张开,但她什么都没说,他快速补充道,“我是说, 对我们的小兔子.”
她又笑了,“还有你, nate” 她伸出手臂从后面抱住他,亲吻着他的肩胛骨. 把她的脸买到他的衬衫里,过了一会儿,她问:“你爸爸怎么样,你和他谈过了吗?”