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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/11/08 00:46:18
现在出现了“空巢老人” 现象. 空巢老人现在已经引起各级政府的高度重视,并提出相应的解决办法,政府应采取有效措施积极应对和解决“空巢老人”问题,比如加大财政对养老事业供给,大力发展社会养老机构,为空巢老人提供生活照料、心理抚慰、应急救助、健康保健,因为他们正面对或遭受心理危机的困扰.子女要在生活上和情感上多关心和体贴父母,增加与父母的联系,适当帮助他们建立充实的生活,比如空巢老人要尽量与子女保持宽松、平等的关系等等
Nowadays, most of families are three-persons ones; however, a large majority of the children are busy with their jobs during the labor days. They are so hustled and bustled (事务繁杂) as not to have free time to visit their gerontic (年迈的) parents. The parents are so isolated that they always raise theirs heads and look forward to seeing their sons or daughters. Fortunately, the state has set up some sabbatical leaves (公休假). My suggestion is that he or she make good use of them to pay visits to their parents every now and then for fear that their parents worry about them and keep standing all alone at door to wait in vain (白白地/徒然)