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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 10:43:16
五年级第二学期期末考试班级:姓名:(听力部分 40分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的选项(16分) 1、( )A.swinging B.drinking C.swimming 2、( )A.play the piano B.go hiking C.get up 3、( )A.weekend B.welcome C.breakfast 4、( )A.morning B.noon C.afternoon 5、( )A.first B.fourth C.third 6、( )A.near B.cheer C.beer 7、( )A.winter B.spring C.summer 8、( )A.writing a letter B.washing clothes C.listening to music 二、听音,将下列句子重新排列(14分)( )Excuse me,Chen Jie.What’s the time?( )I’m reading my English book.( )No,usually he reads English at this time.( )It’s 7:00.( )But today he is eating supper.He comes home late.( )What are you doing now?( )Where is your brother?Is he reading English?三、听音,写出所缺的单词(10分) 1、M:What do you do on the weekend?W:Sometimes I__ __and sometimes I __ ____.2、M:When is your birthday?W:It’s____ __.3、M:What is your pet doing?W:It’s____.4、M:Is your class playing sports?W:__,____ ____.(笔试部分 40分)四、选出发音不相同的一项(10分) ( )1、A.glass B.pass C.grandpa D.vase ( )2、A.soup B.group C.bounce D.coup ( )3、A.wear B.bear C.pear D.ear ( )4、A.may B.way C.play D.says ( )5、A.smoke B.snake C.smile D.smell 五、看一看,写一写.(15分) 1、When is your birthday?______________.2、Why does ZhangPeng like summer best?____________.3、What can you do in winter?________________.4、What are they doing?__________________.5、Are they playing chess?__________________.六、连词成句(15分) 1、like best do you season which(?) ______________________ 2、usually eat at I 8:00 the the on in evening weekend dinner (.) ____________________________ 3、Amy’s when is birthday )__________________ 4、answering phone the at is home my father( .) ____________________ 5、see tigers fighting the I two are in woods ( .) ______________________