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写一篇关于eye contact 的短文.要求内容充实 语言流畅 表达地到 词数100左右,

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/14 20:30:14
写一篇关于eye contact 的短文.要求内容充实 语言流畅 表达地到 词数100左右,
There’s an old myth if you won’t look at me I can’t trust you. It might be true, might be not. But if they believe it, it’s true!
Eye is one of the most important nonverbal1 channels you have for communication and connecting with other people. “The cheapest, most effective way to connect with people is to look them into the eye.” Eyes are the “window to the soul”.
In some cultures, looking people in the eye is assumed to indicate honesty and straightforwardness2; in others it is seen as challenging and rude. Most people in Arab cultures share a great deal of eye contact and may regard too little as disrespectful. In English culture, a certain amount of eye contact is required, but too much makes many people uncomfortable. Most English people make eye contact at the beginning and then let their gaze3 drift to the side periodically to avoid ‘staring at the other person’. In South Asian and many other cultures direct eye contact is generally regarded as aggressive and rude. In some cultures and religious groups eye contact between men and women is seen as flirtatious4 or threatening.
Different cultures also vary in the amount that is acceptable to watch other people. Some experts call these high-look and low-look cultures. British culture is a low-look culture. Watching other people, especially strangers, is regarded as intrusive5. People who are caught ’staring’ usually look away quickly and are often embarrassed. Those being watched may feel threatened and insulted. In high-look cultures, for example in southern Europe, looking or gazing at other people is perfectly acceptable; being watched is not a problem. When people’s expectation and interpretation clash6, irritation and misunderstandings can arise.
Help :
1. nonverbal adj. 非语言交际的
2. straightforwardness n. 坦率
3. gaze n. 凝视
4. flirtatious adj. 调情的,轻浮的
5. intrusive adj. 干涉的,打扰的
6. clash v. 冲突
Think about :True or false
1. Most English people can accept a certain amount of eye contact.
2. Arab belongs to low-look culture.
3. Eye contact between men and women is flirtatious.