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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 19:57:59
tina,mommy does not mean that you cannot be with your feiend,but i would like you to go out to play when you can take up your responsibility to your safety.you are just too young to go outdoors without parents`accommpany,and there seems no moms and dads which does not care their children.so,i hope you can consider my opinion and follow my advice.in addition,i think it could be a better choice for you to prepare for your next,because if you get a good start in next term,you will fell more relax next term.do you understand?
dear mrs,we really hope tina can go out to play with us.today is a really good day for people to go out,for the sunshine is comfortable,the air is fresh,and the wind is gentle.i am afeaid there would be a second day which is better than today.we just do not want to miss such a nice day for out door activities.what is more,your daughter tina is the most active and humourous person in our class.she is always brining us jokes and making us burst into laughter.if we go outdoors without her,it must be boring.so,dear mrs,just allow tina to be with us,i promise i can ensure her safety.
mom,just allow me to go to play with them!look,what a nice day!the sunshine is comfortable,the air is fresh,and the wind is gentle.i am afeaid there would be a second day which is better than today.i just do not want to miss such a nice day for out door activities.what`s more,i feel a lot tired after the annoying final exam,and you know going out to play with friends is the best way to relax,better than stay at home alone.so please allow me to gou out.you need not worry about me,for i am not a baby,i can ensure my safety.
英语作文.暑假班里同学出去玩,TINA她妈妈不叫去,就是说服她 求英语作文:给妈妈写一封信说服她为你买一个MP3、 英语作文Alice很喜欢看动画片,可是她的妈妈不赞成她看动画片.Alice要给妈妈写一封信来说服她让自己看动画片.请根据 英语作文:Jenny在北京玩了五天,她打算写一封信给她妈妈.根据她的吃住玩以她的口吻写封信, 英语小作文李明要和同学们出去野外旅游,他和她妈妈正在谈论需要带的东西.不少于50字 英语作文帮忙alice很喜欢看动画片,可是他的妈妈不赞成他看动画片.alice要给妈妈写一封信来说服她让自己看动画片.请 英语作文:你的班里来了一位新同学,她的名字叫李圆.请你根据表格中的信息介绍一下她 与众不同的妈妈 小时候,妈妈简直就是我的“心腹大患”,因为她太与众不同了.我很早就知道了这一点.去其他孩子家玩的时候,他 英语书面表达 6.17是Tina的生日.这天下午她和妈妈去服装店,买了一件白色裙子.下午她和爸爸去看电影.晚上朋友们来T 英语作文100字:进入高一后一直想买一个MP3,但父母反对.给妈妈写一封信,说服她满足你的愿望. 这个周日是小伟的生日,他邀请同学们去游乐场玩,小光不高兴了,因为她的生日在周二,不能在生日当天出去玩了,那么你认为生日当 求翻译成英语作文(120词):我有一个朋友叫Tina,一天,她带着她的狗到河边散步,河边有很多人,她就到河的另一头去散步