在手机app store上购买软件或更新软件时显示account not in this store
在手机app store上购买软件或更新软件时显示account not in this store
app store 更新选择购买是什么意思
Account Not In Store.Your account is not valid
我的苹果4代手机界面上的图标App store上面显示个数字6是什么意思?
app store哪款软件背单词好 有音标 发音和例句的那种.
求苹果Candy Store软件
iphone4 软件内购买提示“this is not a test user account”之前越狱过,系统升级后恢
iPhone使用App store时显示为英文,如何更改回中文?
果5显示This appleID has not yet been used with the iTunes Store
your account cannot use store credit at this time