作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

根据图片内容及提示词,用正确的方位介词【词组】回答下列问题 ———————————————————

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/15 12:19:17
根据图片内容及提示词,用正确的方位介词【词组】回答下列问题 ———————————————————
park Hotel Bank
Post Office Suermarket Restaurant
Where is the hotel?【Green Street】
Where is the supermarket?【the post office,the restaurant】
Where is bank?【the restaurant】
Where is the post office?【the library】
Where is the library?【the post office】
Where is the hotel?【Green Street】
__It's on the left of the green street.____
Where is the supermarket?【the post office,the restaurant】
______It's between post office and restaurant.
Where is bank?【the restaurant】
______It's on the opposite of the restaurant.
Where is the post office?【the library】
______It's in the front of the library.
Where is the library?【the post office】
______It's in the back of the post office.
再问: 选词填空 post office,restaurant,pay phone,hotel,supermarket My White is on a yacation.He lives in a______ If you want to call,you can go to the_____ If you want to buy some food and drinks,you can go to the______ If you want to have dinner,you can go to the______ If you want to send a letter,you can go to the_____
再答: My White is on a yacation.He lives in a____,hotel If you want to call,you can go to the___,pay phone__ If you want to buy some food and drinks,you can go to the supermarket______ If you want to have dinner,you can go to the______,restaurant, If you want to send a letter,you can go to the_____post office