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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 08:59:20
International trade has promote growth, increasing employment and raise their income levels, we call it the important role of interest or dynamic trade interests, and has theoretical research and economic life for actual proof. But trade promoting economic development reality mechanism is what? Trade through what ways and the way promoting economic development? At present introduces about international trade development interests of various viewpoints though is involved, but all is not comprehensive, not enough system. Next interview make some inductive sex analysis.
The summary mentions, international trade promote economic development through undermentioned these mechanism, is the role and the realization.
1. Development international trade, inevitable make market competition mechanism fully play their part, thus stimulating quality improvement, the enhancement enterprise's international competitiveness. One country opening to the outside world, participate in international trade, is actually the country into the enterprise with foreign enterprise competition among. On the one hand, continued import product competition will prompt domestic enterprises to improve efficiency. Low efficiency of accelerated competitive inevitable enterprise exit the market process, while making efficient enterprise achieve rational scale and to optimize the market structure, improve their achievements of enterprise. Even if domestic enterprise in domestic markets dominated, still had to face the stress of international competition for its survival, and strive to reduce costs and increase the competitive power. On the other hand, the export enterprise cannot different foreign production of similar products of the enterprise to compete. In order to expand the market share in foreign countries, export enterprise must unremitting effort to produce lower cost and good quality products to participate in the competition, and constantly according to international market demand structure changes to adjust their product structure, according to international standard production, according to international marketing practices eps. This no doubt will stimulate enterprise quality improvement. The enterprise economic efficiency of the continuous improvement of the growing international competitiveness, is undoubtedly a key economic development the most essential foundation.
2. Develop international trade, and must lead the expansion of the market. Expanding of the domestic and international market, will undoubtedly effectively promoting economic growth. See first exports. Export enterprise are often facing the world market to organize production, market capacity, easy to gain economies of scale effect. The so-called scale economy, it is to point to as the increase of the number of product, the unit will reduce the cost of the product, so as to improve the economic benefits. In fact, many department requests have moderate initial scale, have the scale economic properties, such as cars, refrigerators, machine etc, use large-scale production way can make lower cost a lot. If a country for domestic consumers in the enterprise provide this kind of products at the same time, still can sell in the international market, then similar products not only enterprise can improve profit level, and domestic public also just pay lower prices. Not only such, driving in export trade, an industrial department development and can promote the development of a series of industrial sector, so that all sorts of affiliate industrial departments are established. Because of the economic operation, the industry shows various relationships between. The so-called "contact" refers to a department in input and output on the link between with other departments. This link has two aspects: one is to contact after, that is some departments provide input coincidental it the contact between departments; 2 it is prior to contact, namely a department with the department of absorbing it the connection between the output. If the export sector is "linkage effect" big dominant industry, can achieve great "multiplier effect", leading to the development of a series of other departments, thus circulation repeatedly continuous impels the national income and employment increase, promote sustained economic development.
Again see imports. Imported from abroad no domestic production of products, often can have open up the domestic market, guide the new industry growth role. As the country is still not production, temporarily unable to determine how much new products will be the market, that is, in a certain price condition social demand is just how much. When domestic demand for imports is very big, so that even high tariff barriers would be difficult to stop when imported, domestic enterprises will get a clear production, import substitution industry signal which developed. Practice has proved, import substitution is home to many countries, especially developing the first step towards industrialization. This process is imported goods and lead to stimulate domestic demand, import substitution departments of industry produce. If conditions, import substitution department also can change for export department. Import foreign new products can also promote product unceasing renewal.
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英语翻译国际贸易具有促进一国增长、增加就业和提高收入水平的重要作用,我们称之为贸易的利益或动态利益,已为理论研究和经济生 英语翻译当今,服务贸易快度增长,作为国际贸易的重要组成部分,服务贸易在一国的经济活动中占据着越来越重要的位置.充分认识和 英语翻译论国际经济贸易中的法律规避问题摘 要在国际贸易中,企业和个人为了获得更大利益,通过对贸易国家的法律进行规避,从而 一、在诚信面前我们应怎么样处理好个人利益和他人利益、眼前利益和长远利益的关系? 英语翻译我们认识到,能源是提高人民生活水平的重要资源,获得能源对于促进经济增长、确保社会平等和包容性至关重要.我们将发展 向成员国提供贷款,以促进该国的经济恢复和发展,推动并促进国际贸易的均衡增长.是哪个国际组织的宗旨? 英语翻译农产品贸易作为国际货物贸易的重要组成部分,已受到世界各国的广泛重视,农产品竞争力的提高对经济的发展和社会的稳定也 英语翻译贸易:国内外贸易是公司起步发展的基石,公司拥有一批优秀的国内国际贸易人才,具有丰富的贸易经验和市场营销渠道.与美 (2012•江苏一模)化学科学对提高人类生活质量和促进社会发展具有重要作用,下列说法正确的是(  ) 在我国,党的利益、国家的利益和人民利益是一致的吗? 我们为什么要尊重群众的利益和首创精神 化学科学对提高人类生活质量和促进社会发展具有重要作用,下列说法正确的是(  )