作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 09:50:34
get down to着手做 Let’s get down to business.我们言归正传.
lead to 导致 All roads lead to Rome.条条道路通罗马.
object to 反对 He objects to beeing treated like a child.
put one’s mind to全神贯注于 You should put your mind to studies.你应专心学习.
give rise to 引起 The dirty enviroment gave rise to diseases.
look forward to盼望 I’m looking forwad to seeing you.我盼望与你见面.
pay attention to注意 Please pay attention to your pronunciotion.请注意你的发音.
stick to坚持 He always sticks to his promise.他总是遵守诺言.
attend to 处理,照料Attend carefully to what she is saying.注意听她说话.
see to 负责 Will you see to the plants while I’m away.
contribute to对…做贡献 The construction of a highway will contribute to the growth of the surburbs.建造高速公路有助于郊区发展.
make contributions to对…做贡献He has made great contributions to a space deveiopment programme.他对太空发展计划有很大的贡献.
apply oneself to致力于 He applied himself to the study of genes.他致力于基因研究.
come close to几乎,将近He came close to being killed in the accident.他差一点在事故中丧生.
reply to 回答She never replied to my letter.他从不回复我的信.
add to 增加 The news added to his anxiety.这消息增加了他的忧虑.
add up to加起来 These figures add up to fifty.这些数字总计为50.
in addition to除…之外(还)He speak s Frensh in addition to English.
turn to转向,求助于 He has turned to keeping sheep.他已转行养羊.
feel up to能胜任 He doesn’t think he feels up to the job.他认为他不胜任这项工作.
look up to向上看,尊敬…We should look up to our parents.我们应该尊敬父母.
admit to承认 He admmited to having broken the glass..他承认打烂了玻璃.
belong to属于The computer belongs to me.这台电脑时我的.
take to喜爱,开始 I took to her at once我立刻喜欢上了她.
She has taken to drinking recently.他最近喜欢喝酒.
cling to 附着/坚持The little boy clung to his mother ’s skirt in fear
fall to 开始 After supper we fell to discussing politics..
respond to回答 He didn’t respond to my question.他没有回答我的问题.
accustom oneself to使习惯于Children are quick to accustom themselves tonew surroundings.
get to到达某地When did you get Shanghai?你和时到的上海?
set an example to给…树立榜样 Lei F eng set a good example to us.
refer to 谈到,参考,查阅 If you have any question please refer to the guidebook.如果你有问题请参阅旅游指南.
take /make a trip to 到….地方去I’ll make a trip to the seaside tomorrow.
join… to…把…和…连接起来The railway has joined Beijing to Zhuhai.
do a kindness to 帮助某人 He did me many kindnesses.他帮过我很多忙.
turn a blind eye to对…视而不见 Don’t turn a blind eye to that.不要对那事视而不见.
turn a deaf ear to对…充耳不闻He turned a deaf ear to my advice.
poit to指向He pointed to the door.他用手指着门.(让人出去).
show honour to向…表示敬意 We all showed honour to the hero.
put an end to 结束They should put an end to that ridiculous war
bring an end to结束 They should bring an end to that ridiculous war
