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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 16:06:35
1、完形My 9-year -old daughter and I were flying from our home in Caroline,to spend… 2、阅读A spiraling tower made from thousands of books in dozens of languages is the latest landmark in Buenos aires… 3、You just think you know what will make you happy.Researchers in the new science… 4、I learnt about the Pygmalion effect when I 927 7 years old at Riverdale School in Palmerston North and… 5、Dayron Robles of Cuba was disqualified of his mark and the title in the men's 110m hurdles final for disruption of the
1、-本文讲述的是作者和女儿在飞机上换座位的经历. 36. D.因为要和难得见面的丈夫见面,所以母女俩的心情是兴奋的. 37. B.上文提到we had seen him only five times in five months,所以女儿很想念父亲. 38. A.下文提到作者和女儿想坐其它的座位而没有选择,由此可知这班航班是坐满了的. 39. B.作者安慰女儿,如果有什么事情发生的话,有童子军在,她们都会安全的. 40. C.从下文可以知道作者和女儿被过道分开了. 41. B.其实分开坐本不是什么大问题. 42. C.从前面的Kallie was nervous about the trip可以判断女儿要依赖作者给她读书来度过这个旅程. 43. D.隔着过道读书是很不方便的,所以是个挑战. 44. A.根据语境,隔着过道读书很不方便,于是作者想与别人换座位. 45. C.根据下文的not being next to a window可知,她们想换到*窗的座位. 46. D.从They refused可以判断他们要坐在自己的位置上. 47. B.前面提到Kallie was nervous about the trip,所以不能和妈妈坐在一起使她很恐慌. 48. A.先前的两位乘客拒绝与她们换座,而现在有乘客主动和她们换座,所以这应该是很令人惊喜的. 49. C.那个人应该是转过身来对作者说话. 50. D.这个人说“Would you and your daughter like our seats?”这里“our”指的是他自己和那个Scoutmaster. 51. A.根据语境,这人应该是说这个位置不好,他不喜欢这个座位. 52. B.这个人不喜欢*窗的位置,宁愿换到*过道的位置. 53. C.作者以及女儿同别人换了座位,继续她们的旅程. 54. A.母女俩终于坐到一起了,应该感觉很开心. 55. B.从飞机的窗口向外看,欣赏窗外的景色. 我上百度给你全部搜了,就查到第一篇,其他的实在没有,还望采纳