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英语课文翻译,The Secret to Success It was Career Week at school. E

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/06 20:55:16
The Secret to Success It was Career Week at school. Each day, a different person came to talk about his or her career. Kelly’s class had visits from a fire fighter, a doctor, an artist, and a computer programmer. All the talks were interesting. Kelly was inspired to think of all the careers she could have. But Kelly was most excited about the last person coming to visit. Andrew Fisher, a famous television reporter, who also wrote many books about his travels all around the world. Kelly was very anxious to hear him talk. Mr. Fisher talked about growing up in a poor family in the mountains, with very little education. He talked about being a reporter during exciting and dangerous events. He talked about climbing Mt. Qomolangma and sailing down the Nile. He had many interesting stories, and the students paid close attention. Then he asked if anyone had questions. Immediately, Kelly raised her hand. “Mr. Fisher, how did you get to be so successful?” Kelly asked. “Here’s the secret,” Mr. Fisher said. “I write all my goals down in a special notebook. Every morning, I look at my notebook and read my goals. Then I say to myself, ‘How can I get one step closer to my goals?’” Mr. Fisher continued: “Try it yourselves. Picture your dream in perfect detail and write it down. Don’t be afraid if your dreams seem impossible. No one ever believed that the Wright Brothers could build an airplane. And people laughed when Christopher Columbus said that he wanted to sail around the world. But these people believed in their dreams. They thought about their dreams every day. And each day they took little steps to get closer to their dreams.”
这个是学校的career week.每天,一个不同行业的人都回来讲述他或者她的事业.kelly 的课堂上来过一位消防队员、一位医生、一位艺术家和一位电脑编程员.所有的座谈会都非常有趣.kelly满心鼓舞地想着将来她的事业.但是,最令kelly激动的还是最后的这位来宾.Andrew Fisher,一位有名的电视播音员,同时他也写了很多关于他在世界各地旅行的书.kelly非常渴望听到他的讲座.fisher先生讲述了他小时候在山里一个贫困的小山村里长大,受到的教育也不多.他讲述了作为一个播音员在工作时遇到的兴奋和危险的事情.他讲述了他爬珠穆朗玛和在尼罗河上顺流而下.他有许多引人入胜的事情,而同学们也听得很专心.接下来,他问是否有人提问.kelly立刻就举起了手.“fishier先生,你是怎么变得怎么成功的?”kelly问.fisher先生说:“这是一个秘密,我在一个特别的笔记本上记下了我的所有目标,每天早上,我都会拿出笔记,看我的 目标.然后我问我自己,怎样才能跟我的目标靠的更近?”他继续硕大:“你试试吧.仔仔细细描绘出你的目标,把它们写下来.不要害怕你的梦想遥不可及.当初没人相信莱特兄弟会发明出飞机.人们也曾经嘲笑过哥伦布当他说他要航行全球.但是这些人都坚信自己的理想.他们每天都在思考着他们的理想.每天他们都迈出一小步,离他们梦想更近.”