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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 21:12:53
Over the past three years,we from a complete lack of life of children grow up to be a vibrant zhuifeng juvenile.Three years,we look forward to good,the artificial sweat.Taste the true meaning,chasing the dream.On the campus,the gravel left the footprints of our solid,dance on the pitch we pentium ying,the pine tree willow always came between us a long pleasant ringing a model.In the classroom,there was a loud we song 再答: 三年来,我们从一个完全不谙生活的孩童成长为一个活力四射的追风少年。三年间,我们憧憬着美好,挥洒着汗水。品味着真谛,追逐着梦想。校园中,花圃石径上留下了我们坚实的脚印,绿茵场上跃动着我们奔腾的英姿,松柏槐柳间总是传来我们铿锵悦耳的朗朗书声。教室里,传来了我们嘹亮的歌