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The doctor knew how to____an emergency like this.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/07 13:31:51
The doctor knew how to____an emergency like this.
\x05A.deal in B.settle with C.act on D.cope with
2.It is wrong to___a person of a crime unless you have proof that he is guilty.
blame B.accuse C.charge D.warn
3.The repairman examined car engine ____but could not find anything wrong with it.
\x05 A.exactly B.approximately C.precisely D.thoroughly
4.Tom went to the cinema without his parents’ ____.
A.command B.conviction C.consent D.compromise
5.The children _____ a line,then walked quietly into school.
\x05A.gathered B.stood C.performed D.formed
6.Most plastics do not readily ______ heat and electricity.
\x05A.attract B.carry C.conduct D.transfer
7.It was______ of them to share their meal with their out-of work neighbors.
\x05 A.humorous B.grateful C.thankful D.generous
\x058.A sudden movement caught the antelope’s attention and he instantly become_____ and alert.
\x05 A.tough B.intensive C.surprised D.suspicious
\x059.The bus company apparently ignores many _____ about unpunctuality and overcrowding of buses.
A.despairs B.complaints C.claims D.objections
10.The office manager _____ the secretary that she would receive a raise.
A.ensured B.secured C.assured D.insured
\x0511.Every four years,athletes from all over the word compete in the Olympics.Each country sends teams of its finest athletes to _____.
A.take part B.enter in C.participate in D.go in to
\x0512.Crude ores are mind and shipped overseas or _____ long distances by land to refineries and mills.
A.transported B.transformed C.transferred D.transmitted
\x0513.He thought the painting was of little_____,so he let me have it for only ten pounds.
A.cost B.value C.price D.expense
14.To be_____with you ,I like you ,and should be glad to give you any help I can.
\x05 A.generous B.straight C.friendly D.frank
\x0515.When a fire _____ at the National Exhibition in London ,at least ten priceless paintings were completely destroyed.
A.broke off B.broke out C.broke down D.broke up
1.D cope with处理,对付
2.B accuse of 控告某人
3.D throughly 整体地,全面地 .句子意思是全面检查之后还是找不出问题在哪里
4.C consent 允许,答应
5.B stood a line 排成一列
6.C conduct传导,意思是大部分塑料都不导热不导电
7.D generous大方慷慨的
8.D suspecious疑心的,多疑的
9.B complaints 抱怨,公汽公司不理会人们对交通阻塞的抱怨之声
10.A ensure保证
11.C participate in 固定搭配,意思是参加
12.A transport 运输
13.B of little value 他认为没有什么价值所以才以低价卖给我
14.D 固定用法,to be frank with you,实话跟你说
15.B 固定短语,broke out爆发,这里指战争爆发