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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 09:02:22
都是听力题里面的:How is the new AIDS medicine different from others?选项 里面有一项是It helps to hide from AIDS.请问hide不是隐藏的意思吗?那这个选项怎么理解?难道是要理解hide from?还有下面这一句:Once there,they talk with people,giving classes and meeting in clinics to discuss living with AIDS.这句话有几个地方不理解,once there是什么意思,giving classes是不是上课的意思,meeting in clinics怎么翻,是在诊所开会还是想见,living with AIDS怎么翻译,是和AIDS一起生存?下面这句,What is Janet going to do now?选项里有一个 He survived the disease?这句话怎么理解,难道是他从疾病当中幸存下来?还有下面几句话:That's when I started to fight back,seeing my doctor as my partner,talking to my friend.(seeing my doctor as my partner是什么意思).What I'm trying to say is that our biggest enemy is fear,not the illness itself.So,cheer up.HIV won't win.It's the strong mind that will.Remember,there's light at the end of the tunnel.(最后两句怎么理解strong mind that will这是这么语法,看不懂,
hide from就是指隐藏起来不让看到,这里应该就说这药效果很好(因为只有没人对方发现才是最有效的攻击)
giving classes and meeting in clinics就是指在诊所见面交流艾滋病的问题啊
living with 还可以表示“学会去适应,接受并忍受”
He survived the disease就是他从疾病当中幸存下来
seeing my doctor as my partner 把医生当我的好伙伴(经常去看医生)
HIV won't win.It's the strong mind that will 艾滋病毒不会赢,我们的坚强的信念才会赢