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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/08 18:01:39
We were young; we were smart; we were loking forward to the world of work.And ___(31)___We graduated from Oxford University in the early 1970s,mywife and I thought we’d ___(32)___ it all.We’d both have successful ,satisfyingcareers(事业).We’d have ¬____(33)___ time to travel the world and have fun.We’d ___(34)___
in our kids’ upbringing and ___(35)___ the housework.We believed that the world of staying-at- home moms and job trapped (为工作所困不能脱身的)dads had ___(36)___sometime around 1969.
We were ___(37)___,of course.In her 30s,my wife gave ___(38)___ her job as a government official to have children.Trying to balance(平衡)work and family,she took part-time jobs that ___(39)___ some cases were enjoyable ___(40)___ that never
gave her the advancement that you get ___(41)___ you’re in full-time employment.
再问: http://zhidao.baidu.com/link?url=o-dIqH6l5W7UxMcwDJyfAGkWKdY20qz5gqxx8Bz--_jvPmlVP3_tKjyQqWzX1g72pkmX2t0xeT029CH7hq9vl_ 题目在这个网站里边,然后 第32,35,36,41,42,43,44,47,49,50这10道题目 求解释,谢了。 因为上边字数超出没法全打进去
再答: 这个你是觉得那个人回答错误还是?
再问: 我刚刚做了一篇完型天空,错了这10道题目,查的时候刚好这篇完型填空也是。我做这篇是在大学精读1的Test Yourself(Units 1~5)的第71~90题,刚好题目跟这一样,不过搜不到解析。求解释,谢了
再答: 可以给我你的QQ,我想加你聊,这个上面有点麻烦,,,
再问: 477575738