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英语改错题1.About three fifth of the workers are young people 2.W

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/07/19 02:15:26
1.About three fifth of the workers are young people
2.When he was in his fifty ,he moved to England
3.The sun is 93 millions miles away from the earth
4.People lived a hard life in forties
5.He wrote a two-thousand-words report
1.fifth----fifths 分式的分母大于1,则分子用序数词的复数表示,如1/10 one tenth,2/7 two sevenths
2.fifty----fifties 表示一个人岁数常用整十的复数表示这个人几十多岁,如二十多岁 in one's twenties(或in one's 20s),但惟有十多岁较特殊用in one's teens表示
3.millions---million 表具体数字million用单数,只有在millions of中用复数,如三千 three thousand
4.in forties--in their forties 某个人四十多岁in one's forties
5.two-thousand-words---two-thousand-word 有连字符其中单词用单数,类似描述人的岁数,如一个九岁的女孩a nine-year-old girl 一篇三千字的论文a three-thousand-word essay