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请擅长英语的朋友帮我翻译一段英语谢谢 ,不要在线翻译.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 09:16:24
请擅长英语的朋友帮我翻译一段英语谢谢 ,不要在线翻译.
2 风俗习惯对习语的影响
各地的风俗习惯存在着很大的差异,东西方人对动植物的喜好有很多的不同,这些不同导致了习语的不同.在中国人眼里“狗”往往有肮脏、下贱等贬义,常用它形容和比喻坏人恶行,如狐朋狗党、狗急跳墙、狗眼看人低,等等;而在西方人看来狗是人类忠诚的伙伴,对狗怀有特殊的感情,英语中就出现了很多与狗有关的习语,如an old dog (老伙计)、dog days (三伏天)、Love me,love my dog (爱屋及乌),Barking dogs seldom bite (咬人的狗不叫),It rains cats and dogs (外面下着瓢泼大雨)等.
犹如,中国视 “龙”为吉祥物,赋予了神圣、至尊、吉祥、非凡等各种褒义.古时候的皇帝称自己是真龙天子,民间有赛龙舟、舞龙狮等活动.关于龙的成语有很多,如望子成龙、龙凤呈祥、龙腾虎跃、车水马龙等.而在西方人眼中“龙”则预示着一种灾难,它是凶恶的、残害生灵的怪兽,恶龙的形象常常出现在很多的寓言和文学作品当中,如叙事诗中关于贝奥尔武夫(Beowulf)力斩恶龙的故事等,因此为避免误解“亚洲四小龙”而应译为“four little tigers of Asia”.
2 风俗习惯对习语的影响
2 the influence of customs and habits of idioms
The custom all very great differences of plants and animals, and people have a lot of different the be fond of, these different led to different idioms.
In Chinese eyes "dog" often have dirty derogatory, low, it often describe as evil, such as bad guys and metaphors fox friends party, a coward, dog dog saw lower, etc;
而在西方人看来狗是人类忠诚的伙伴,对狗怀有特殊的感情,英语中就出现了很多与狗有关的习语,如an old dog (老伙计)、dog days (三伏天)、Love me,love my dog (爱屋及乌),Barking dogs seldom bite (咬人的狗不叫),It rains cats and dogs (外面下着瓢泼大雨)等.
And in western eye dogs are man loyal partner, for dogs, English has special feelings appear in a lot of idioms related with dogs, such as an dog (old chap), It dog days), then (dog, Love my Love me, Love my dog) Barking dogs (seldom bite (a Barking dog bites little), It rains cats and dogs (It was raining hard), etc.
犹如,中国视 “龙”为吉祥物,赋予了神圣、至尊、吉祥、非凡等各种褒义.
Like, China regards "dragon" as the mascots, endowed with divine, sovereign, auspiciousness, special, etc. Various kinds of BaoYi.
An ancient emperor says they were the real dragon boat racing, right there, folk dance activities such as the dragon-lion.
There are many idioms about dragons, such as ChengXiang, out-of-school tuition, longfeng single and pedestrians, etc.
而在西方人眼中“龙”则预示着一种灾难,它是凶恶的、残害生灵的怪兽,恶龙的形象常常出现在很多的寓言和文学作品当中,如叙事诗中关于贝奥尔武夫(Beowulf)力斩恶龙的故事等,因此为避免误解“亚洲四小龙”而应译为“four little tigers of Asia”.
And in western eyes "dragon", indicates a disaster, it is atrocious, mutilated creatures, the dragon monster of image often appear in the many fables and literary works, such as the narrative of Beowulf (in Creole about bei Beowulf) force behead the dragon story, so to avoid misunderstanding "Asian tigers" and should be translated as "four tigers of Asia" knockout.